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Radio Streaming Server dengan

January 22, 2014 Yusuf Mambrasar
1. Download shoutcast server untuk linux Broadcast Tools
2. Ekstrak dan kopikan ke drive home misalnya /home/shoutcast
3. Kopi konfigurasi dasar shoutcast:
#cp /home/shoutcast/sc_serv_basic.conf /home/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf
4. Buka /home/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf:
nano /home/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf
5. Edit beberapa baris dari file /home/shoutcast/sc_serv.conf:
; NOTE: for any relative paths specified are relative to
; sc_serv and not to where the conf file is being stored; here we will setup where
the log and other related files
; will be stored. make sure that these folders exist else
; sc_serv will throw an error and will close itself down.
; we will make the logs save to the sc_serv2 directory
; for testing we will make the server only work locally
; (i.e. localhost / though if this is left out
; or set to publicserver=always then we attempt to make a
; connection to the YP for listing - do not forget to add
; in a 'streamauthhash' value for any public streams made
; if you're wanting to use a different port to use for any
; connections then you can use this option e.g. to use 80
; otherwise port 8000 is used as the default to listen on.
; password used by sc_trans or the Winamp dsp plug-in
; NOTE: remember to change this to something else
; password used for accessing the administation pages
; NOTE: remember to change this to something else

; now we will specify the details of the stream we're going

; to serve which can be done as follows
; or
; it can be done like this which is how it needs to be done
; if you are going to provide multiple streams from sc_serv
6. Download dan simpan file shoutcast:
cd /etc/init.d/
chmod +x shoutcast
update-rc.d shoutcast defaults
7. Ubah hak akses file /etc/init.d/shoutcast tersebut dengan perintah:
#sudo chmod 0755 /etc/init.d/shoutcast
8. Anda dapat menjalankan shoutcast dengan perintah:
#/etc/init.d/shoutcast start
9. Anda dapat mematikan shoutcast dengan perintah:
#/etc/init.d/shoutcast stop
10. Anda dapat menjalankan kembali shoutcast dengan perintah:
#/etc/init.d/shoutcast restart

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