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Project Name: Telecom App

Version: 1.0
High Level Design Document
Author: Santosh Kumar

Task1: Create Three Users

UserList:1. CS- USA
3. TelecomDirector - USA
Profile List:1. Collection Mgr Profile
2. Collection Sales Profile
3. Telecom DR Profile
Roles:1. Collection DM
2. Collection SM
3. Telecom DM

2. Setup UI Layer:a. Create Two new Objects

1. Collections Object
2. Payments Object
Collection Object Fields:Name
Account Name
Contact First Name
Contact last Name
Due Date
Amount Due
Address Street -->( Account Address)

Text Field
Picklist Field
Text Field
Text Field
Text Field
Date Field
Number Field
System Field
Text Field

City -->(Account city)

State -->(Account State)
Country --> (Account Country)

Text Field
Text Field
Text Field

Payment Object Fields:Account Name

Total Amount Paid
Collections ? (Y or N)
Collections Name
Collection Type
Collections Id
Payment Date

Text Field
Number Field
Boolean Flag or Checkbox
Text Field
Picklist Field
Text Field
Date Field

b. Create Tabs for the Collections and Payment Object

c.Create a new Application called Telecom Project
d. Add the two new tabs in Telecom Project.
Collection Type:- Field Picklist Values

Suspend Order
Disconnect Order
Exited Collections
Remove Cable

Task V1.1:1. If new collection record is created with Type Suspend Order then Account Type should be In
Collections and Sub Type should be Suspend Order based on due date
2. If new collection record is created with Type Disconnect Order then Account Type should be
In Collections and Sub Type should be Disconnect Order based on due date
3. If new collection record is created with Type Auto Dailer then Account Type should be In
Collections and Sub Type should be Auto Dailer based on due date
4. If new collection record is created with Type Exited Collections then Account Type should be
Active and Sub Type should be Active based on due date
5. If new collection record is created with Type Remove Cable then Account Type should be In
Collections and Sub Type should be Remove Cable based on due date
Show Payments and Collections tab under Account
Also create a flag called collections and set it Y (This flag should auomatically set to Ywhen
Status is in In collections and should be N when Status is Active)
On due Date send a reminder mail to user about the Payment. (In collections there is Due Date if
due date is today, Please send an email to User with Amount due and Status of Account)

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