Sistem 48

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Razvoj SISTEM-a 48 pospeuje poziciju nae lokalne samouprave i omoguava

privlaenje investicija i otvaranje novih radnih mesta.

SISTEM 48 predstavlja jedinstven informacioni sistem u Evropi kojim se u roku od samo
48 sati reavaju problemi graana. Slui za bolje upravljanje optinom i kvalitetnijom
kontrolom javnih preduzea.
Objedinjujui rad svih javnih preduzea u optini Sistem 48 omoguava reavanje
problema i zahteva graana, raspolaganje sredstvima na nov, moderan i funkcionalan
nain zasnovan iskljuivo na tehnikim podacima i injenicama.
Sistem je u potpunosti u funkciji graana koji pomou njega lake i bre reavaju
problem iz domena komunalnih preduzea.
Grad Zrenjanin, u cilju to efikasnijeg rada i bolje komunikacije sa graanima, je
uspostavio rad Call centra
The development of SYSTEM 48 enhanced the position of our local
government and improved possibilities to attract investments and also
creating new jobs.
SYSTEM 48 is a unique information system in Europe that solves the
problems of citizens within just 48 hours. It is designed for a better
municipality management and better quality control of public companies.
Bringing together the work of all public companies in the municipality,
System 48 allows solving problems and demands of our citizens, disposing
of assets to a new, modern and functional way based solely on technical
data and facts.
The system is fully committed to citizens, used primarily for easier and
faster solution of the problems in the domain of utilities .
In order to achieve more efficient operations and better communication
with the citizens, City of Zrenjanin , has established a call center.

Register of investors is a public record of all available data on the physical or legal entity
as an investor, established to protect the interests of
people - potential customers. It is maintained by an authorized person, trusted for keeping
the records of the register at the headquarters of the local government unit, in electronic
form, at their public website.

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