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Personal statement
I am interested in pursuing further education to gain A-levels in Biology and
health & social, to become a paramedic in the near future. To gain my A levels I
intend to go to Springwood High Schools Sixth Form. Once I have passed my Alevels at sixth form I intend to either attend part time at the UEA and the rest to
be out with qualified paramedic learning while out on the job.
As you will see my predicted grades are mainly all C however I am predicted to
achieve at least 7 GCSES C and above. I am predicted to achieve a B in food
Tech and a B additional science.
I work hard and tride to achieve my best in all my subject, I always complete
homework and summer tasks that I have been set in the past.
I am also looking forward to working as once I have a job I will have the feel of
earning my own money and being able to stand on my feet.
Work experience
I havent previously been employed however I have done babysitting for a few
friends. I am trusted by many people and am mature and responsible. I enjoy
working with people which is why I want to become a paramedic.
I am 15 Years old and currently studying at Springwood High school. I have just
entered my final year and in may I will sit all of my GCSEs. However I have
already sat my core science, health & social and BTEC exam which I achieved a C
in all of them, I will be sitting my English GCSE on the 5 TH of November 2015.

Food Tech-C

Personal Interests
I have many personal interests. My main interest is to be playing football
however at this moment I have an injury so am unable to play. I am currently
awaiting an operation so am unable to participate in any kind of sport as it
causes a lot of pain.

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