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LTI Documentation

Very quick & brief documentation.
adds 4 new tables lti_context, lti_keys, lti_resource & lti_user
The LTI Provider Library is from The University Of Nottingham which extends upon
the sample LTI Library from IMS, under an MIT Licence.
----The destination URL is
replace <XOTurl> with the full url to Xerte Online Toolkit.
You then need to add an LTI key from the management interface from LTI Settings
under site menu. The secret and the key is then entered into the LTI Consumer a
long with the destination URL. Context is currently not handled by this as ther
e doesnt seem any logic for it wit XOT.
On launching a link
------------------On first login (& every 15 weeks) it will require authenticating with xerte auth
entication, this then associates the LTI user ID and the xerte username together
if staff it will show existing projects and let you select one for the link to a
ssociate with (once set it cannot be changed/deleted [ you would need to delete
the link from the LTI Consumer]). From then on the project linked is launched
if student then launches to project, if not setup display quick error message.
Using Moodle
-----------The easiest way to use this is to set up an external tool under the site adminis
trator. Give the tool a sensible name eg Xerte Online Toolkits. The base URL s
hould be the url to the toolkits with /LTI/ appended, enter the consumer key & s
hared key that you will enter into Xerte. Under the custom Parameters box there
is a tick box with just a help icon next to it (which when help is clicked it s
tarts "Show tool type when creating tool instances tick this box as the lti exte
nsion provides a specific landing page than then redirects to where its been con
figured. On adding a new external tool to a page this allows you to select it f
rom a drop down menu.

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