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Identify and explain two or more of the following

animals adaptations.
Thick wool coat- keeps body cool in hot weather and warm
in cool weather. It also repels rain.
Heavily padded paws and sharp claws use for climbing

Camouflage Coat Helps to keep it hidden in the Savannah
Fringed Tail Swats insects and flies away
Long neck and legs to help reach leaves on trees
Long tongue Helps rip leaves off trees

Wide spread feet prevents sinking in sand
Thick fur insulates from sun
Hump used for storing fat, to provide energy in
the desert
Long eyelashes and hairy ears to keep the duct
Killer Whale
Bullet Shape head and body to make swimming
more efficient
Blubber helps insulate from heat loss
Dorsal fin- acts as a stabiliser preventing from

Long legs wade in deep water
Webbed feet to stand in soft mud
Excrete salt through salt glad because habitat is often

Spikes protect against predators
Sharp claws- for digging and foraging
Buries itself to protect itself by burying softer skin
and exposing only spikes

Pouch to carry the young in the hot desert
Females have the ability when pregnant to put the
growth of an embryo on hold until the environment is
more favourable.
Dont need much water to survive in the desert.

Praying Mantis
Green Colour to help camouflage in leaves or grass
Eyes wide apart to give maximum vision
Long front legs = to reach out and catch prey

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