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Task 1


What I observed


Teacher Attends

I liked that the teachers cam

the children, so the child doe
afraid to be alone in school.

Morning Assembly

The teacher came

before 7:30am. She
organized the classroom
for the students and
waiting for them to take
I've noticed before
morning assembly that
the students were
organized by teacher,
and they have to walk in
the yellow line, but they
cannot walk outside the
line until arriving at their
place. In the morning
assembly, the teacher
repeats with them the
national anthem to get
excited with her.

Lesson Preparation

As not to waste time, and sh

inability to control children la

Circle Time

Teacher was ready and

her things with them
and have not forgotten
them. Also, she was sure
that everything is close
to her.
I noticed that she was
singing to them by name
to return to their places
in the circle, so she
make sure that everyone

In my opinion, when they are

their morning assembly, for
she sings to control them.

Motivate kids to work and lo

work. Also, change their acti
them to not being bored.

Snack Time


sat down in his place.

Every day she taking
two children to display
their work, which worked
out at the corners. Also,
if the teacher notices
that there is a child tired
of sitting, she asked him
to move from his place
like going to close the
Teacher every day
chooses a child to be her
help hand to take the
students to the
bathroom to wash their
hands. When they ready
to eat, they repeat
Doaa with their
teacher. After they
finished, they clean the
place and return
everything back to his
I noticed that the
children go as they went
to the morning assembly
in the yellow line to the
playground. There was
some misbehavior in
students like throwing
sand at each other and
lack of respect.
Therefore, the teacher
tells them that they will
be punished, and
punishment is to
prevent them entering
to the playground again.

I loved the thing that she did

this leads to equality among
Also, motivate children to th
reliance since childhood.

I did not like the lack of inter

of the teachers when the chi

Time Management

Special needs

Medical Check

I noticed that there was

the certain table with
times that the teacher
followers. According to
the schedule, she
prepared the activity
that the children can
complete it at the same
There was the youngest
child between the rest of
the kids in the
classroom, so the
teacher separate him
alone to absorb the
lesson. However, this
child does not wish to be
alone, and he likes to
share with others.
Therefore, the teacher
understood what he
want and put him with
There was a medical
form hanging on the wall
at the beginning of the
classroom. Through this
form, the teacher knows
that the child needs to
avoid eating some foods
that sensitivity them, so
she does not give these
foods for the children.

I interpret this that the teach

interested in the time, and th
the teacher more loving for w

I liked that he was understoo

and allow him to do the thing
relaxes him. This makes the
sense of safety and success.

I like this because it allows th

to avoid mistakes.

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