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For avery competitive examination a few questions can be expected ffom One Word Substiution ‘Moreover this section wil certainly help you ta increase your English vocabulary. The words inclided ‘nore wil help you fo ite and speak Engish precisely and eiecively. Learning them wil be a great asset in Ie. In order fo keep these words n your mind complement your study wih exlensive reading. One of the practical methods isto study ten to een words each day. Ifyou make ia practice, wih each passing day ‘more will bo sivady improvement in your knowedgo. {nthe fst part ofthis section we have given you a 8st of over 600 words which are commonly asked in One Word Substivton. In the second part wo have collected some objective type questions for you (0 practee wth, They are flowed by her anewers. All theee questions Were asked for various examinations. Lear all thoce words careful. Aor arming each word ty fo use tn a sentence of your own. This method wil help you to stamp the werd in your mie LIST -1 ABATTOR A placo where animais ae ARTISTE slaughtered ATHEIST ACCOMPLICE —: A partner erie, AESTHETE A person witha highly AUTOCRACY Goveloped sense of beauty AFFLUENT Weary; havng abundance of ‘money autopsy AGORAPHOBIA: Unreasonable fear of open spaces. BANKRUPT, ALLEMATE To. lessen, make less sever BARBARIAN ALTRUIST ‘ne who does good work BARRICADE for others without thought of personal gain BELUGERENT AMEIDEXTROUS Able to use the lof hand 2s Wel a8 the righ. BIBLIOGRAPHY AMexcuoUs [Rword of statement which BIBLIOPHILE can be interpreted in two BIOGRAPHY ways. BLASPHEMOUS ANACHRONISM That which appeare tobe in the wrong peroa “BREVITY [ANGUOPHIUE =; An admirer of the English peope, language, manners SREWERY tay of He BUREAUCRACY ANGLOPHOBE : One who. distkes the EEnglah and England CALLIGRAPHY ARMISTICE An agreement to stop fghtng in-a war CARDIOLOGIST ARISTOCRACY | -Agovemment run by he eh fand the efe people: aclaes CATHOLICITY of welzbom people Professonal singer dancer et. ‘A person who does not boteve mhe eence of od, A.government where the power b concentrated 5 the hands of one person Medical examination of a dead body [A person who cannot pay his debis, {An uncitised person, Hastily erected barrier across a steel, ‘One whe is engaged in fghtng a batto oF war ‘Alt ofwrtings on a subject ‘One who loves books, The story of @ person's ie ‘One who is" reverent towards Goo Brietness; shortness of time ‘A lace where beers made, ‘A government run by ch ‘servants, The art of beautiul hand wing. ‘A doctor specialising in mater relating fo the heat. Broad oullook, fee trom prejudice cEueacy CCHARLATAN CIRCUMLOCUTION The state of being unmarried, One who deceives others by claming tobe an expert ’A roundabout way of expression CLAUSTROPHOBIA:: A’ morbid fear of confined CORGULATE COLLOQUIA, ‘comBusTIBLe COMEDIAN conmopiry COMPATRIOT COMPLEXION ‘coMPULsORY CONDUCTOR. CONNOISSEUR CONscRIPT consorTiuM contacious ‘CONTRETEMPS: CONTROVERSIAL CONVENTION @) CORRIGENOUM ‘COUNTERFEIT cour pérar CRUISE CYGNET cynic spaces. Change trom liquid into sols by chemlal reaction, Suitable for ordinary informal conversation ‘That which can catch fee and bum easly ne who plays funny paris in plays oF fins An article of trade or ‘A person belonging to one's conn county. The natural colour and appearance of skin ‘That which must be done, ‘That which acs a 3 path for eectreiy hea et. ‘A person who competent to pass eritcal judgement upon anything ‘A person who ls competed bylaw to serve inte armed forces A-combinalion of several businesses for a common purpose. ‘That which spreads east, especially a disease. ‘An unkicky event, an unexpected setback That which causes debate or argument A ‘ormal. assembly oF conference of people ofthe Same business to discuss practices Something to be cowectod in-a pred book Copy something exactly in Suiden overtvow of @ ovement expeciy by fe, A sea voyage for plessure. ‘Ayyoung swan, One who has lie faith in human sincerity or honesty DEBACLE DENOUEMENT DETERGENT DETERRENT DILETTANTE: DISARMAMENT DISINFORMATION DOMICILE DRUDGERY bueT EBULLIENT EFFEMINATE ENCYCLOPAEDIA ENTOMOLOGY ePIC EPLOGUE ERGONOMICS ERR ESTUARY EVOLUTION Excise EXERTION EXTEWPORE EXTERMINATE EXTROVERT ‘A suddon completa faire The tas pat of play, Book le. where all. the ‘complications of the plot are solved ‘A clesning agent, especiaty ‘a gmhete substance. Something to discourage people fom doing wrong ‘An acme of the tne ar Reduction of weapons by ‘governments False information spread intentionally to spread propaganda ‘place whe permanent. A system of connected ‘actions and methods for catching erminas Hard, uninteresting work Song sung by two people together High-spited, exuberant ‘Arman tho has the qualies ‘ofa woman, ‘Abook giving information on lal ranches of knowkdge The scientific. study of insects, ‘Along narrative poem, Conchaing part of terary work The study ofthe eftiency of people In. their workng Make 2 mistake, do wrong, The wide mouth of @ rer Gradual development trom “Smple fe fms 1 complex Taxon goods produced and used in county, Making an eft tying very hard to do somening ‘Aspeect made witout any previous thought or preparation Toputanendto someting by kang, Aperson who i active, ely ‘and enjoys the company of others. EXUBERANT FALLACY FARCE FASTIDIOUS. FAVOURITISM FEBRILE FEMINIST Fiancee FISSION FLOGGING FLUVIAL FoOLScAP FOREMAN, FOURTHESTATE FRANCOPHILE FRANCOPHOBE FRATRICIDE FREIGHT Fupoy.pvopy FUMIGATE GARAGE GARRULOUS GasTRONOMY GENOCIDE GERMANOPHILE GERMANOPHOBE Lively, high-spirited. 2 fake idea or bolt A light-hearted humorous play wth sil acon, ne who cannat be easy pleased. The practice of giving favoured treatment. to ceran peop. Of or caused by fever, {supporter of the cause of Ail fo whom a man is fengaged to be marie Spiting ofthe nucleus of an atom, Severe beating with a whip, OF foundin, or produced by 1R'size of paper, also called legat format A sited worker In charge of ether workmen Infuential newspapers and Journalist. [An admirer of the French people, language, manners or way of He. One who disikes the French and France. ‘The murder of one's broher Goods cared by tain, ship [An eldery person who does not understand or approve ff modem ideas, To cles of disease, boclers fc, by means of chemical smoke. A building in which rmotoreare are parked One wha talks toc much ‘about uninteresting things. The art and science of cooking and sating good food Elimination or king of a whole race, [An admirer of the German peopl, language, manners ‘or way of He One who dislikes the Germans and Germany GERMCIDE GLACIER, cur GRAFFITI (GRAMINIVORE rans GUBERNATORIAL HALLUCINATION HEN HEDONST HERBNORE. HISTRIONICS: HoLocausT HOLSTER HOMICDE HoMONyM HONORARY HOOLIGAN HORTICULTURE HUB, HYPERCRITICAL HYPOCHONDRIAC HyPocRICAL HYPOTHESIS IDEALISM loEOLoGY DO”ATRY IGNORAMUS ILLEGAL, ILLEGIBLE: |A mode that ale germs, ‘A mass of ee moving very ‘lowly down a mountain valey ‘A larger supply than necessary Rough drawing or wring on pubic wats. ‘An animal tat eats gran ‘wrtnoutpayment tee o cost. Of goveror Seeing eomething which I not acualy present. ‘A place of calm and safety ‘One who les fr pleasure A'pantestng animal. ‘Overreacting ina theatrical Great destruction and the bss of many les: the mass kang of Jews in Word War 1 ‘eather holder fr a pistol. The kiling of ane man by another man, ‘Alword whieh agrees with ‘other in pronun-caton and haps abo in spoling but ‘ferent meaning, [an offs for whieh no salary ' pat ‘Anncisy rough person who ‘cases trouble The tof garden culbatin ‘The central part of a wheet Excessively cical ‘One who has exaggerated ‘ancaty about his heath Price of ie oF goodross ‘sy one thng whie ekg some Suppositon made as basis, for reasoning Practice of forming and folowing Meals. Set of eas at the basis of certain eecnome or pocal systems, Vrorship of tol. thoroughly gnerant person, That which iscontary to aw, Hanawnting which cannot be read WLUTERATE MEMORIAL, ‘maNeNT [MORTAL IVPASSASLE IMPLACABLE IMPREGNABLE InAccESSIOLE. InusPIcious (CORPOREAL INCREDIBLE INDEFATIGABLE INDELIBLE INDIGENOUS INDOPHILE inooPHOBE INEDILE INEVITABLE INEXPLICABLE INFLAMMABLE INFLATE INGENIOUS INMITABLE INNATE innocuous INTANGELE, INTELLGENTSIA INTOLERABLE INTROSPECTION nuimion INVINCIBLE INVULNERABLE Cone who unsbie to rad or wnt, Too old to be remembered, ancient beyond memony ‘About to happen, “That which never des ‘Thatwhieh cannot be passed through Impossble to sats change or make bss angry ‘Tatunch eanntbe atacked or taken by bec, “That cannot be approachod or reached. Not of good omen, Werouta body That cannot be beloved One who is incapable of beng te, Incapable of beng etaed or canceled or obra Belongng natal oa place, ‘An admirer of the Indian poopl, fs cure, manners of way ole, (One who dikes the Indians and ind, Something which cannot be eaten Thal which {= bound to happen Thal which cannot be explained Capable of cahing te Tol wih ar oF gee Very ever “Thatch cannot be tated, ‘That ch one bom we, That whi que hams Thal cannot be mentally grasped, ‘The class of paople who think independent That whieh cannot be endures, Examination of one's own mental processes, Immediate apprehension by mins reasoning, ‘That cannot be conquered oF defeated That whien cannot be wounded IRREPARABLE IRREPROACHABLE ARYWALK Joey uupicious KIMONO KNIGHTHOOD LACKEY LAMINATE LeaieLe LEONINE LEXCOGRAPHER UBERTARIAN LIMERICK ureran Loauacious LowaROW wiLaey MACHETE MAGNUM OPUS MALEDICTION MANUAL MANUSCRIPT MARTINET Mascor MASOCHIST MeoiocrE MEGALOMAN, MELoDIOUS MERCANTILE METEOROLOGY That which cannot be repated. So good thatno crtelsm can be made To coss streets on foot n a careless and dangerous way. ‘A young kangaroo, ‘se, sound i judgement ‘Albose gown ofsikas wom in Japan, Trenghtto pu'Si in fentot ‘One who behaves tke a ‘Servant by alvas obeys To cover wth thn sheets of meta o paste, Capable of being read early ‘Of ort a bon ‘One who compiles dicton- One who belbves that one ‘should have freedom of ‘expression ‘Ahumorous shert poem wih fe Ines People with knowledge of erature, ‘One wh talks ot ‘One who hae no eterest in rate, at ete A pleasant song sung to ‘end chron fo sleep ‘Arnie with @ broad heavy bade. Agretwerkof art, partculty eran, Evi, vious speech, ‘beck ging inomatonabaut how to wok someting Handuriten serpt of book ‘A stretdisepinaian Something chosen as a symbol fo Bring good lick ne who enjoys pain or humitation, ‘One ho ether eget nor dl ‘The belief that one is ‘extremely important. Sweet sounding. (Of trade and business, The scientific. study of ‘weather condtions MercuLous Muna MISANTHROPE MSOGAMIST MISOGYNIST MONOMANIAC MONOTHEISM MULTINATIONAL éycoLocy NAUSEA NAUTICAL, NEMESIS NEOLOGISM NEPOTISM NoTARY NUMSMATIC ‘OBITUARY oBuGATORY ‘oBsOLETE ‘OMNIPOTENT ONNISCENT. ‘OMNIVOROUS ‘ONTOLOGY OPTHALMOLOGIST (OPTOMETRIST PACHYOERM PACEIST PALAEOGRAPHY PALAEONTOLOGY PANACEA PARADOX PARASITE PARIBH PATENT A parson who very cars ‘bout deta ‘Those trained as soldiers butnot belonging to areguar army. ne ho hates mankind. One who hates marrage One who hates women One who Keeps thnking of fone parc ting rly ‘The practice of worshipping ‘nl ene god ‘Rcompany having branches In many counts. ‘The seen stay of fang. Strong feeling of wanting to vomit (OF salor, shi or sain Downfall that satis atural justice, new word, Undue favour shown by 2 person in power to his Felatves, 1 publ offi who makes Welton statements offal One to colects coins, Notice of a person's death In.a newspaper. That which required to be one by ‘That which & out of use, of replaced by 8 newer model he who ie al power ‘ne who knows eventing, ‘One who eats anything Philosophy concemed with the nature ef eee, An eye-doctor A technelan who measures your eyesight BR thiek-skinned animal especially an elephant or Fhinoseros. One who believes in the bolton of war. ‘The study of ancient wring, The study of foes, ‘Remedy wheh ean cure at diseases, Contradictory statement ‘ne that ives on another, ne who fs not sccepted by society Sole ight to make and set ‘one's own snventon PAUNCH PEDANT PENULTATE PERQUSITE. PETROLOGY PHILISTINE PHILOLOGST PIGMENT PLANT PLATONG PLEBEN POLYANORY POLYGAMY Powe.or POLYGRAPH POSTHUMOUS POSTSCRIPT PRAGMATIST PRESCIENT PROFLE (1) PROPELLANT PSEUDONYM PULMONARY ‘unore RACONTEUR RAPPORT RECEPTIVE RED TAPISM ‘Aman ft stomach, ‘One who exhibits his book reaming st tone Gain over and above one's satay The Scent study of ks, Person of materia! outlook ‘who 8 ferent iocuture ‘One who wel versed in he ‘scence of enguanes The raul coburng mtr of pont and ana ‘One who beng a charge ‘agahel someone fy coil Avery close, non-sexual frondship. between two people Er the ower soc cases The practee of havog more than one hasband at he same time. “The practise of having more than one husband or wie at the same time ‘One who speaks many languages. Aledeocor ‘Achis bam afer the death of tahoe ‘nolo ated a the end of 2 bbe afer the snare ‘One whe uses common ‘Abe oetotwhatwthappen inthe tie, A side view of someone's head ‘An sls for fing @ bulet orarocket A penmname assumed by a ‘wrt (for having an effect on he lungs. Trang to do the impossible usualy fo he others, whe pulthg onesel in danger ‘One who is good a telng ‘ates nan resting way ‘A good relationship Between two peor Capable of recehing new ideas, Excessive use of official formals which causes unnecessary dey REFLATION REINFORCE RENAISSANCE REQUISTION RETREUTION RINGLEADER. RODENT RUSSOPHILE SACRLEGE 'SANATORUM sANCTMONOUS SCAFFOLD scepnc ‘scuBA ‘SEDENTARY SEER ‘SENSATIONAL ‘SEPTUAGENARIAN, ‘SLHOUETTE ‘SIMULTANEOUSLY SINECURE SINOPHILE ‘SINOPHOBE ‘SMALLFRY SNIPPET ‘SOJOURN A government pokey of increasing the amount of ‘money i ekulaton, Senginen by adonal men or materia ‘renewal of interest an erature ee [An oft demand or equost ‘A severe deeerved punish One who leads others to do ‘wong or make rule ‘Avsmallnerbhore usually consiered a pest. ‘An admirer of fhe Russian people, enguage, manners oF way of, One who distkes the Russiane and Russia. ‘Wanton deducton expecaly ofabyer. bY seats Ned worker. ‘The vokton or prfaing of sacred tings ‘A place for invalids. and convalescent, Making a show of piety ‘A stir on which erin teed to be hanged Person who doubts the tuth of what he tod ‘An instrument used for breathing when swimming nse water Done vine sitng down, One who can see into the fete The intentional producing of sxctement or shock ne nhs soventes Black shacow tke plu on whi background, Tara place or happening at the came tne, ‘Any ofico Win good salary but no work ‘An acimier of the Chinese people enguage, manners oF way oft, ne who dees the Chinese fnd China UUnimoortant people ‘A smal pec fom someting spoken oF writen ‘A shor stay at a piace. SPINSTER, STAE STAMPEDE, STELLAR ‘STOCKBROKER sto STRATAGEM STRINGENT SUBCUTANEOUS SUB JUDICE suasoy SUBVERSIVE SSUPERANNUATED SURREAL TaBLEAU ooeRMy TeCHNOCRAT TEETOTALLER ‘TERMINATE THest THEOCRACY ‘TMBER TOPARY TRATOR TYRANT unisex vuNaNMoUS UPSTART UuxORICIDE UxORIOUS ‘An unmatted woman, Sometirg whieh & rot fesh Avsudden rush of a large umber of Highiened people OF the sas ‘One who buys and se shaves fer oer ‘One ao & herent to pan ‘and pleasure ‘Ack to decene an ene, Very tet Beneath the kn A subject which cannot be publey cussed because beng conelred bya court ‘oti ney pat by a goverment b rake pres wee ‘Atlempling to weaken or ‘overthrow authory “oo olf br werk Having a strange, dreamike tunel qual Aifetke representation of a famous scene by a group of people who do nat move or ‘00k The ar of stuthg ana and

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