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Common psychological barriers and conditions impacting financial and business


Fear of loss and the underlying feelings that money represents: freedom, control,
dependency, security, and self-worth

Self-defeating belief system, negative thinking

Low self-esteem

Lack of belief in one's own ability

Fear of success

Fear of failure


Reluctance to seek help

Uncomfortable feelings when networking and building relationships with others


Emotional blocks from negative past experiences

Common action barriers impacting financial and business success:

Not having a mentor, coach, or advisor

Poor habits

Limited knowledge not knowing what to do or how to do it

Poor planning

Using the wrong vehicles to achieve goals

Inadequate network and neglected relationships

Using inefficient tools and processes

Engaging in low value, low impact activities

Face your fears. Don't run from them.

Lets accept the reality.There are gonna be times when you feel defeated . No matter how
much amount of hardwork you put in, you will not get the desired results. Its fine. It

happens to everybody. This is the whole essence of living. Trying, falling , getting up and
trying again.
If u fail, take it in your own stride. Look back on what went wrong and what could have been
done instead. And then challenge yourself.The next time you try..give it your 200% !!!
Failure helps us in realising our true potential because once we fail, we come
back more wise and strong !!
Just have faith in yourself. Things will turn out to be better for sure !!
All the best :)

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