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Keeping Client Relationships Healthy

In the design and construction industrysimilar to many other professions

maintaining healthy client relationships is vital to our success. I often work with
potential clients for months or years before they actually decide to purchase our
professional services. But by spending the time offering assistance, ideas and
direction, I can provide them with extra value in the form of a trusted partner.
There are few things in business more important than your relationship with clients.
Building and growing a strong relationship takes an investment in time, but if done
right, new clients will turn into long-standing clients. Here are some best practices
to keep client relationships healthy.
Communicate purposefully and regularly. Stay connected with your clients by
updating them on current work projects, but dont limit yourself there. If you come
across an interesting industry article, have an idea for a new project or a way to
improve an ongoing project, dont be afraid to reach out. Just be sure that the
information you are sharing has value; otherwise youre just clogging their email or
Follow through on tasks. If you say you will do something for the client, then do
it to the best of your ability, on time and within budget. Doing this consistently will
help build trust between you and your client, and they will see you as a reliable
partner to work with.
Treat the relationship as a partnership. Instead of seeing yourself as an order
taker, see yourself as a partner in their business. Offer suggestions, opinions, and
new ideas to show that youre willing to go above and beyond the job at hand.
Those contributions bring value to what you do and will position you more as a
partner than a vendor providing a one-time service.
Understand their business. Have a clear understanding of how your clients
business operates and who's buying from them and why. Ask questions, take a tour
and attend meetings. If a client feels that you have made the effort to understand
their business, they are also likely to feel you can help them meet their long-term
business goals.
Dont forget the importance of face-to-face meetings. While email, phone
conversations and social media are easy and efficient, the occasional lunch or
coffee meeting is a great way to keep a relationship on track. A face-to-face
meeting can give you more insight than an email chain ever can.
These ideas are easy to complete and offer what clients look for in a trusted
partner: consistency, follow through, and someone who can problem solve and offer
solutions. Taking these steps will help reinforce to your client that you are

committed to the long-term success of their company. In this way, youll be viewed
as a long-term asset as opposed to a short-term vendor.

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