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Resistance to change

Change is the transition from a current state to

a desired future state.

Resistance to change is the action taken by

individuals and groups when they perceive
that a change that is occurring as a threat to

There is nothing more difficult to take in

hand, more perilous to conduct or more
uncertain in its success, than to take the lead
in the introduction of a new order of things.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Why do people resist change?


risk of change is seen as greater threat the risk of

standing still


feel connected to other people who are

identified with the old way


fear they lack the competence to change

People fear hidden agendas among would-be


People anticipate a loss of status or quality of


People genuinely believe that the proposed

change is a bad idea

People feel overloaded and overwhelmed

Fears about change

not enough information
making a wrong decision
being forced to decide
damaged relationships
not being recognised
for efforts

loss of control
lack of purpose
being ignored
being asked for detail
being linked with failure

How to overcome resistance to


Kotter and Schlesinger

6 Approaches

Education and Communication

Participation and Involvement

Facilitation and Support

Negotiation and Agreement

Manipulation and Co-optation

Explicit and Implicit Coercion

The Planned Change Process

Change is often one of the most challenging

events an organization will go through.
To maximize the success of any
organizational change.
Managers need to create and follow a logical
sequence of objectives.

The Planned Change Process

Recognize the need for change
Develop change goals
Appoint a change agent
Assess the current climate
Develop a change plan method for
Implement the plan
Evaluate the success of the plan at
reaching the change goals


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