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Homework 3 MAE 118C Problems 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 15, 18, 23, 30, 31 from Chapter 5, Lamarsh & Baratta 2. an Point sources emit S nuetrons/sec at points, 1, 2, and 3 ‘ind the flux current halt way between one side of the tangle (black cot). ‘The flux for a point source is: = 2 _ from problem 1. 2 ane ‘The fluc is then the sum of the point sources fluxes. 28 s “The first torm ig the flux from points 1 and2 which aro equal the second torm ie the flux. from point 3. ‘The current from points 1 and 2 cancle so you enly need to calculate the current from point 3. ‘The current has @ direction which is in the direction of the ‘vector from point 3 to the point you are calculating the flux. ‘This case in an infinite moderator so using the flux equation 5.33. [At the center of the square the current is zero due to symetry. “The flux is simply the sum of the 4 point sources. Bi se Da The flux at point i is again the sum of the fluxes. moffe)ea(er ay” which is given 2 equations before 5.33 a)" an The currents from point 1 and 2 cancel. Looking at the diagram, the hortzonal portion of the currents trom paitns 3 and 4 cancel, ‘The sum of the vertical currents add with their direction being down in the diagram. P-(2 Distance from point 3 to i 3 ) same for & 0 ‘curront from point 3 and 4 at ii asf La ota te xfs (* *-(3) @) PG Where the sine and tangent ters come from forming a ight tangle with points, 2, 9 and then using the ratio of the sides to find the angle at point ii and then using that angle to find the portion of the current in the downward direction. 2) inte dowvor rstin 7 Point source in an infinite moderator, |8) To find the number of neutrons passing through a surface, find the current at the sutace then integrate over the surface area. >) The number absorbed per second within the sphere is equal to [ sees inset isi reine fe °) Verity the continuity equation, the number aborbed + the number leaked equals the ‘umbor produced. 10. Current equals ze'o by symetry, and the flux can have no spacial dependence due to symmetry. Eq (6.19) helé old olf Malu s ons 14, Again using tho dition uation, 924 — Lu ity in r so the solutions can vary in the r direction. A general solution There is now a nor-urif to the diffusion equation is, Now using boundry conditions, the flux needs to be finte at r= 0 so B = 0. Note that the first tenn does NOT go to infinity as r goes to zero, this can be seen by expanding sinh as an infinite Now using, (R +d) = 0 (R+a) using, sin(—a) = sina) How many neutrons leak from the sphere? Ryde? R R pamn’s_ arn (CG) so) L sin( 22) LR L 3) Average probability that a source neutron will leave the sphere is the number that leak divided by the total number produced an) cat( 8) DarR’S (+d) L L ap IC's Fie L wa E=S) we OER L tilda 0 just figure out how to make it a ita. Evaluate J dotted into x hat at x = a/2 and then integrate from y = -a/2 to a/2 and z = -al2 to zy a2 cc) By aymetry, the total number is just the answer from part b) times 6. Dada D) 228.10". 1-10! = 7.225 10151 decays per second y 5 15 2210” = 1953 105 caries 371019 a= 0.N) D= tem where xis in units of meters and the fluxis in units of neutrons/em*2"s. D002 0.04 006 0.08 at. Using Eq, 5.64 to calculate the change in the thermal diffusion parameter ) 2 assuming To = T = 1000-1 + 10-1435 _ - 0 1000-1 + 11.435, 1001 1000-1 + 0.1:1.435 Pe 1000.1 1.008 Pa 1.00043 Srhip Lp 2D | (2) ty, ‘This caluciation takes into account the change in density due to adding boric acid to water. The small concentrations result in a very small change in the flux. v0! sao" set} aot 4 0 002, 004) 0.06 ‘008 Cleatly this doesn't look like enough of an effect to make this problem worthwhile, | think the ‘correct way to do this problem involves using the absoiption cross-section for boric acid. | was tunable to find this number.

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