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Yr 11 sports injuries Jigsaw/Research Task

Using the information we have covered on sports injuries over the

past few weeks your task during this lesson is to research a sporting
injury of your choice and provide information regarding its nature
towards the overall context of a sporting injury. You are to work in
groups of 3 to complete this task, which you will need to present
either at the end of the lesson or next theory lesson. The choice of
format is entirely up to you, remember it must be of an ICT format
The aspects you will need to cover within your presentation are:
1. Describe your chosen injury - What type of injury it is and how
it came about.
2. Discuss possible signs and symptoms the athlete may have
had prior to the injury occurring (there should almost always
be one e.g. breaking a your leg in a game of AFL, bone may
have been weakened due to overuse resulting from prior
matches and or training)
3. Once you have described what type of injury your athlete has
sustained, provide a collaboratively constructed definition of
the type of injury your athlete has.
4. Describe what you would typically see at the injured site and
why this would be the case.
5. Cover all injures your athlete may have suffered in the
incident (e.g. Jonathon Brown example not only did he have
multiple facial fractures but also a contusion of the eye
socket) Making sure to provide a definition of each injury you
6. Describe the inflammatory response model that would initiate
the healing process immediately after the injury has occurred.
Be sure to cover all 4 aspects of the model in your response.
7. Discuss the ricer principle and how it would apply to your
chosen injured athlete. Remember the elevation and
compression stages will vary depending on the injury and its
8. Discuss the important things your athlete must NOT do after
injury and why this would be the case.

9. Research the kind of physiotherapy your athlete will need to

undergo and provide a suggested timeline for their return to

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