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102 Math Assignment 2 Name: __________________________________

Complete each statement.

Convert each of the given quantities to the equivalent unit indicated. Your answers must be in the proper form
for the metric, household, or apothecary system measurement requested in the question.

Convert each of the given quantities to the equivalent unit indicated.

1. 1.5 mg = __________ mcg

2. 15 t = __________ mL
3. 10 in = __________ cm
4. 0.4 g = __________ mg
5. 5 kg = __________ g
6. 32 mcg = __________ mg
7. 0.56 mcg = __________ mg
8. The total fluid intake of the below is __________ mL.

1 ounce = 30 mL

coffee 3 ounces
ginger ale 10 ounces
water 6 ounces
broth 4 ounces
9. The patient is to receive 5 mL of a drug, which is the equivalent of __________ teaspoons.
10. A newborn infant is 22 inches long. His length is __________ cm.

Short Answer

Compute the amount of medication you will give to administer one dose of the following medication orders.
Assume all tablets are scored, when necessary. The problems and drug orders are presented for practice only,
and actual prescribed dosages will vary according to a patient’s age, condition, reaction, additional
medications, and other factors.

Order: furosemide 80 mg p.o. b.i.d.
Supply: Bottle containing 50 tablets of Lasix (furosemide), 80 mg per tablet
Give: __________ tablet(s)
Order: pediatric dose: Biaxin 100 mg p.o. q.12h
Supply: 100 mL of reconstituted Biaxin, 125 mg per 5 mL
Give: __________ mL
13. Decide which supply you would select and enter the number of tablets you would give.
Order: codeine gr ss p.o. q.4h p.r.n., pain
Supply: 15 mg, 30 mg, and 60 mg tablets
Give: Select __________ mg tablets, and give __________ tablet(s).
Order: Demerol syrup 100 mg p.o. q.6h p.r.n. pain
Label: Demerol syrup 50 mg per 5 mL
Give: __________ mL

Compute the amount of medication that will be given to administer one dose of the following medication
orders. Round all parenteral administration orders that are over 1 mL to one decimal place. Round all
parenteral administration orders under 1 mL to two decimal places. Do not include zeros at the end of
decimal numbers. The problems and drug orders are presented for practice only, and actual prescribed
dosages will vary according to a patient’s age, condition, reaction, additional medications, and other factors.

Order: penicillin G potassium 400,000 units IM q.i.d.
Supply: penicillin G potassium 500,000 units per 2 mL
Give: __________ mL
Order: Librium 30 mg IM q.6h p.r.n., anxiety
Supply: Librium 100 mg/2 mL
Give: __________ mL
Order: Cleocin 0.3 g IM q.i.d.
Supply: Cleocin 300 mg per 2 mL
Give: __________ mL
Order: atrophine sulfate gr SC stat
Supply: atrophine sulfate 0.4 mg per mL
Give: __________ mL
Order: Vistaril 50 mg IM stat
Supply: Multidose vial labeled Vistaril 50 mg per mL
Give: __________ mL
Ordered: Heparin 5000 units SC b.i.d
Supply: Multidose vial of 4 mLof Heparin sodium injection 10,000 units/mL
Give: __________ mL
Morphine gr IM q.6h p.r.n., pain
Supply: Morphine 15 mg per mL
Give: __________ mL
Ordered: Dilantin 500 mg IM stat
Supply: Dilantin 250 mg/5 mL
Give: __________ mL
Ordered: Depo-Provera 400 mg IM every 3 months
Supply: Depo-Provera injection 400 mg per mL
Give: __________ mL
Ordered: Vistaril 25 mg IM q. 4h p.r.n, nausea
Supply: Vistaril 50 mg/mL, multidose vial of 10 mL
Give: __________ mL

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