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Collaboration Assignment CVA English/Language Arts

When all tasks/questions below are complete, please submit the Orientation Collaboration Assignment in the
Collaboration assignment(s) for your current English/LA Segment. All information can be typed directly into the
Comment box or completed in a word processing program and submitted as an attachment.
1. What are the 3 key behaviors for success of an online learner?

2. First, visit your email inbox and choose email preferences. Create a signature lined as described in the how-to
video. Type an email (3-4 sentences) introducing yourself to your instructor. Copy/paste the body of the email
sent to your instructor. Please include the body of your email, the date the email was sent, and the signature
line created.

3. Locate your instructors contact information on the class announcement page. Send a text to your instructor at
this number including the following information:
This is (student name ex. Jim Jones) in your (name of course ex. English 3) class.
Please submit the date/time you sent the text to your instructor including the number to which the text was

4. Please write all assignments due by the end of Week 3 according to your pacing chart (This includes assignments
due in Weeks 1, 2 and 3).

5. Please explain where you would go to access your gradebook and how you can read your instructors comments
for each assignment.

6. In the Gradebook, what does it mean if an assignment is shaded green? Shaded red? Shaded blue?

7. After a DBA is scheduled, who is responsible for making the phone call? The student? Or the instructor?

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