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Cultures of Politics Politics of Cultures Re-visioning Latin American Social Movements edited by Sonia B. Alvarez Evelina Dagnino Arturo Escobar e WestviewPress ADIs Buea Chapter One Introduction: The Cultural and the Political in Latin American Social Movements SONIA E. ALVAREZ, EVELINA DAGNINO, AND ARTURO ESCOBAR 1 apposch the lle en hs itr tin soe for atin American - ‘Gee? Unprecedented lends ofvilece, over discrimination, anderson Spl yen oindcate tht the "perm" and indeed the very design of Latin ‘Antic? derocracs are fr fom stor. Adis precy ver pose ‘Neaterate tueprints for democracy tat macho te poli stl sing ‘wali Lilia Amerie ody, Soil morement we wld pay erie le ina srg Fandarnentliin dpe re ne parameters of democgy—iobe ‘hry, the ery Boundais fwhat to be pope defined a he plc aren its aint nitions procs, sagen ad isscope Programs of eeonos and soil sdjstment need by neler, have ‘xed thle dt amb and pervasive contends. a respnse tothe al- lege “neviale ogc inponed bythe proces of one lbelation,ne>- Iter ples hae Introduced arn of retatensip between the sat and ‘ed sockty and vanced dint deiition of he plicl domain aod te Patgunt—baed on minal conepin ofboth the sate and democracy. ‘sci society charged wth taking onthe soll responsi now es- chewy eae shrinking tat capacly serch pte Jomain forthe exer of denacatic ineaship is inresigly being dowaplyed. i= ent nthe should pull hese up by ther wn private Boots and ‘Szenahiprinressngly equated with drial inepation no thet 2 Sola Aba Bin Dagin and ve Bar ‘Av sect conetion of eenship~one arene by sever ofthe ovement disused inthis volo ew deme agg a rang elnion non of pote yt bat a eft ‘ech andell pct tht might caged decried fro, 6 a we, ach onion calor steno ts wide eyo poe bli pers whet renip ih be ered od cil nee nt Sly erste but so fame ehape Te spe of ering ‘tug wou be exendel wo enomp nt othe ple em bates the litueof "Jevopmeat” so he adeno seal nega ch at oe frac aed ender, dept spe by cll nd stapes Tie lke conerton further coldest te poe of balling Somocscy solani bt te sly dono en nee ‘pire and dimensions bed stm of age ean ai tune tht tis proces ierety “Aunt” token a Cla fat ‘ming ea nad Her 190), Sect movement not ny ave someties cede in tasting thle agents imopablepoles and in expanding te bona pal. is bt alsin. avesg oe the very metlngs 0 ‘sire nation of cen pola represen a pein ta onmequne democracy fac Bathe poss fos avec gsr ‘in a cig eg hp ee ‘cpl ct eaten of eal poli cnt deeoped athe fac ais whch ell cn ed hon ce mover aha nd passes he enter seul er {fate of democracy in Latin America. nee we Reconceptualizing the Cultura in ‘Latin American Social Movements Research rom Culture 0 Cultural Plt ‘This ook intended primal san ein int the reatinship Between cal and ali Wags that srt cant product ced by ving iat theatre a the esa pols ested—h moro ee as gy ata reat ot ser etn all ovement and by xan ‘He yoteti ois ea pltsr ateringoc chng. {Comentna soil ene art spatial explored the connections betvean clr and polit We alae! oft none work cat atid Aarez 1992 Doping 1994 sip to dics the changing concep. lic in andoploy rte ter dis ova beck o undesaning hte once of traps rom coe nerd dogs ang of Bnd hs ae pce Inthe ast deed fostered y vero pote cares nous previgs atin Ameri Sol Moone 3 tology pointe ot tha the contention understanding of utr in vas ‘us fds esteemed ina ae of anol tet belly and etic hes contd ret to rendering ivible everday eat practcs a = ‘in for and sure of pliicl practices. Theorists of popu clare such as de ‘Crten (988), (1985), and Wil (1990) move beond this state ude sanding to highlight how caterer a clletve and incessant proces of reducing metnlng tht shapes socal experene and configures od vations Stas of popular culture tvs pose research nthe amature ay ‘fom the "high cllure” empha exgating in terature and the ats and ose {oan anthroplogiealundentandlng of ealte Thisclosnes had area been roid by Raymond Wiliam?’ earaeratin of etre athe iii Etim though whic neces (hough among other mens) a sci orders ‘communicated repoduen, experienced ad explored (1981, 13). As Glenn Jo ‘Sn and Chis Weedon nts, “Clte in hse, eno sphere, but» dimen tion of llinatatione economia socal and plltclCltre sa et of atria rac wich const mening rales and subjective (1995,8). Ina eset volume, Wilms defi i eaboratd upon 0 con- lade that in curl stdin, cles understood bth way of een ‘ompaning eas, aude, langage prcties, nitions and trace of [ower_and a whole ang of clr practice atic forms, tet canons = ‘htecture, mas-produced commodities, and s forth” (Nelo, Tih, and ‘Gower 1992, 3, This harectetaton of cule pont to grounded peates and representation as cent to cite yen practice, ls man emphasis con- ‘Shu fo be on textual and atte forme. This acount we beta. aumber of erties waged at clr ste sch the semingl problema rane fn "guceand diy” ehnogephis, the sleace of txt analy, and the - portance acibed to the eltare dusts and to pareigs of reception and ousunpion of etal product Whatter the validly of thse cites as ‘we hal expan below it sy tht cla sties has aot gen sue ‘Sent mportnce to socal nonements ae ail aspect of lr production’ “Phe noson of alte eal actin deated in anthropology, Cliath ology ahered oa rai epteology and a ela fed understanding of ‘ute a enboded in netttions pret, run sybols and thee, Ca ture wat ce Belonging oa group and bonded jn tne and apace hipaa tip of orn clare ered eget lowe with the development of src= tur, politi economy-orented, and Intxpetiveanthopelog.Bulding on heretic and somites interecive etnopology moved tod nonpest tiv pal understanding of ltr, sly dies by te melhor of clues ‘tet Inthe mid-198 fre pacerent of etre sought to ake 2. ‘ant ofthe ict that "no on can te about others ay longer a they were ‘irete objector texts ad took to deveoping “nee conceptions of clr as Interactive nd htc (Clifford and Maras 1965, 25) Since then, the grow {ng avcenes ofthe labliation of cltral and economfe production Ins 4 ‘Sin 8 Abe Belin agin nd vs Besor bed sntropoiogis to question spatial notion of cate, dchotom pi of elu, dichotomies be- {een homogeneous “wand ditt athe” and ay illon of ine neste cll nts Ry Ven Oe tons a en ved "mor somos ea a ee Sing ew our eon te i age Ah ho eh ema gy nt naa et ‘ater how wry Wane sono ges fate dknunis wef price acaly sitcom Sef ec ions tan ect dato ae "tre onalaon hat "oul conto te cede ico ol air) ade et a ine estopped nee eo sea nde ern noc rer ‘Eoin roel arm na cise rant aseparsbility, of mesnings and practices (see Comvaroff tad Comat? ‘rl ee ince anf ppc om ot Cont ih pata tl eh ae ia eo wh oh ce eel ey Pe ‘erlooftty eoie ar e e steed denna fama ate oF the “linguistic de Bree 047 yf ae (90, 2) hes as ae Ftc un then aden bch eaten e ‘Portance of the metaphor ofthe discursive, for Hall a ‘hha ahi dt st te mf et ‘cat sition wh sa eon oa ‘Mtecly and immediately, with other strctures. . "a ct ce nee ec ever esos rani he oi Aner St ovens 5 permeated by calure,the something nasty dwn below" to whe Hal wants to ‘etm cltl tudes tor “the clea of meaning an testi” (1932.27) Hall hs enrodues polis ino the mls of ela eden not only bcaars his formalstion provides means hold theoreti sad poi questions in tension but beets it ells upon teorit—partialy those too prone fo te smn athe lel of the text and the pot of sepreenation to engage wth “the something nosy down blow” ar question ofboth tear and pole. mother words the tension betwee he xual and that wich ures be ‘een representation and its grounding, Between meanings and practices, be ‘vee natatves and sil ae, bate do sd power can neve be es scien the eran of theory. But the “never enough" gos both mye: thre slvay “someting ee eyond xl, someting ht no te eaptared by ‘he testaldcurv, here ral ome le byond the aed tery, orething tat i alvay earl nd at We sal es the importance of this ‘evra fr theese of social morements of very pot snd marginale people, foxwhom the fet pal ofthe strug steno demons that they te people thighs so sto recover thei diay and ets ae ctnen ad ence aaa ‘ings nother wordt tension only provienally resolved in prectice We gue that soc! moreents re xia tna for ondesaning bo this pets ag precarious et vit entanglement ofthe curl ad the poi crs it acti Moreover we tele that the conception ad iesiation of the ‘alc polis of sei movements 3 promising heoricldtvur hat heels Hal'sca ‘Brom Cultural Palit to Pita Culture Despite ts commitment toa broader understanding of ultise, macho altura ste puter in th United tats, continues fe heey ented town the teal This hs odo wih dpa hora an insttiana ators die inthis volume) Thisbin ident the cof the concept oe. {wc polics.Inisctrentusgedespt telnet of eur cede schelrs ‘a esaminng the rations betnee cle pratis and power and thet co ‘nimentto soi trstormaton-—ealtral plc” fen ees to diembodied struggles ver measingsand wepeesentations the oli takes of which or con {ree socal aco are sortie diet tdi Wie coneurwith the dfntion of lel pole advanced by Joan and Wee- on in ther recent boakby the siete ‘hepato of sc relatos of nq. athe eget ater thes, sal eae of CULTURAL POLITICS Cal pl analy Se. ‘erin te meanings of el pacts ne, mre nach apd lth thepowct eee mig Cal aca aeso ono ih ‘sbjetviy deta lge acetal coating ou net ‘nn The xm of bjt ate at cl part In dee 6 Soa Abs Sina Din te Br mining wheter we cept cones eng poe elton Motes fr maga: el nd oped pons he consti of oan tn ots ey ‘ieson wep ogo ey 098 36) lower by focusing their analy the “drinant..conerpton of utore” ich ede it use testre,psinting and sclpare, theaters lo” now iroadened to ncade the cult nderten, pop creed thems ‘mela? Jordan and Weedon appear to shaein te sumo thatthe pies of ‘epresenttin-—a glened mot rom ext forms and aalae— bas det. Sd deer ik wit the exes of power an corepondingh wit essence 1 | Not alway, however these Hinks made expt in ways tat nate the ‘cil or potent stakes and pla tg of prin soi cor Ne a= ue that these inks ar evident in the practices, the conse ations of Latin ‘American scl movements and we thereby wih 0 extend the concept of cle ‘welts in aang th pote intervention Tes importat to emphasize heft that in Latin America toy al social ‘movement erat ata plitcs. I would be tempting o restrict the concept of cltral police to those movements that are mae esl clara Inthe 1980, his eicon ree aa dyson between ne” and" oc move ‘ments New sci movements were thoefor which entity we importany, hase ‘hat enpiged in "ne forms of doing pole and those hat contebuted toe forms of sociabiliy. Indigenous, eae, eclogel, women ga ahd man rights movements were the candidat of ence Convery bh, pst lar bog and neighborhood movements, among othr, wees tere conten ‘inal staging for aces and eure. The faowing chaps cel Show the urban poplar movements of squatters, wore arin! people ad ter aio se ina motion earl fr. Inthe continu sree pat ‘he dominant projets of nation bldg, development and eprom, popalae actors mobile clctiely on he grounds of ey cfernt sets of meanings and stakes For al scl movements, then, ellie Weties and eet st Ih rably bound wp with cate ‘Our contents explore the way a which meniold earl pote come Int lay hen ealective aces noble. Cala otc ae perhaps moet ev deat in movement dat make elt bed mt as inthe cof the Calon bian back movement deus y Ibis Grr, Caos Nest and Arto aco ‘cor the Pan-bayan movement analyed by Kay Warren or in thou that epoycltre ea means to mobline or engage arpa aise the ‘ose othe Afien Balan movements dared by Ova Cua or of Mex lest COCH (the Goaiion of Workers, Pessnts and Stent af the sts) considered by Jee Rabin “Howeves We wart to stress tht call ollie are alo enacted when move- ment intervene in palicy debts, attempt orsign dominate in elation of pols or chalenge preaing polit! prices Geonge ide, etn Ameri Sc Moonee ? David Sand Gastro Lins Kibo for example ch dee our attention v9 the ‘fal ger media wy" launched by the Zapata in combating neob- tram sad promoting democrat zation In Meal. Sonia Alaresemphaies that he poly bates waged by those Iain American ferinite who In recent ‘ests ne ented the ato the inlermtions development establishment rst ‘eo be understood a rages oresgtyprevaling notions of czeship, d= ‘lopment and democracy. ean Franco ales a simle pot ln undecaing {at feminism should be described ss a positon (not exe to women) that ‘destabilize both andamentalim and the new oppressie sacar thst te ‘emerging with let capitalism” and tha feminisms confrontation with such Structures "involes more urgently than ever the struggle for interpetatve power” Sérgio Bale anal of urhan poplar movements in Fort Alegre, Sra onceptalins there "Hate spaces wherein diferent conceptions of ership and democracy ae debated” and Maria Cela Pall and Vera Tels ise tess the manifold ways in which pela movements and ade vient shmultansousy ngage in stragls oer gs and slgeeations, ‘As rina Dgaino argues the concept of elt pol simran fore esting the scope of the stg of soll movements for the dermcratrton of ‘city and fr highlighting the les ible and oen neglected Impliions of ‘her srg. he mina tht cultural contestation are nt mete "by ‘tof poial struggle but ae ntad conte ofthe efoto soc move ‘ment 10 redefine the meaning andthe sof the pois ter sl. Jean Trance ote that "dacusios ve the se of worden sem ite iting Iangunge certo be ree t rea tog Yet the power to Insp, thenctve pprepriation and inenconoflngoeg, areca tools for emergent ‘moyenne eli isblty and esogaton forthe vews and ston ht er (ut from thls dominant courses” Indeed, a David Sater suggest is con- {elbutn, "tcl sugges can be sen awar of mterpretton = ‘tr working dfinon of stra politi enactiveand eto, We inte- preteultoal poco the process eaced when sets f soll actor shaped by, tnd enbodyng dierent altura meng nd pectin come into con wi ‘ich ete. This defi of etl pois aun tht mesnnge and prs ices—prtialacy those theories marginal oppositional noni, esta, regen leat, disdet and the Heal f thom cance in tion toa ven dominant cltraloxdet—can be the sous of processes that tbe feted pla. That thi etely sen ae ach it more a reflection of en ‘Utnched definition ofthe ola ore a dominant polite eltrey, thm indian ofthe social for, pti) ecg orepsterolgia relevance of ‘ultra pois. Cato i politcal because meanings are constitute af proces Ut, Imply a excl sek to feelin sol power Tha i when ‘moverneate deploy alternative conceptions of woman, nature, ic, eonomy,

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