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An Post response condemned as an 'overreaction' Cllr Samie Morris
Councillor Samie Morris of Sinn Fin has condemned the response of An Post to industrial
action by employees of a sub-contracting company as an 'overreaction'.
The mail delivery service was shut down by management when staff members of IO Systems
took action after pay reductions of up 22% were imposed unilaterally by management of that
company, which is privately owned. IO Systems maintain and operate automated sorting
equipment in An Post mail centres.
The staff are members of the Communications Workers Union (CWU), as are most staff in An
Post. However, CWU staff employed by An Post are not on strike, and are available to work
normally. It is management who ordered the closing of the postal system.
Cllr Morris said: I am absolutely shocked at the overreaction of An Post management. They are
putting the economic viability of the company in jeopardy.
They have closed down the whole postal system unnecessarily. Existing staff working directly
for An Post could have sorted the mail by hand. A large portion of mail still is sorted that way.
As a serving postman, I would to apologise to our customers and friends for the excessive
reaction from management. Ordinary rank-and-file workers are as surprised and upset at the
reaction as you are.
This is economic self-destruction by An Post management, but it is the workers and the
customers who will suffer. Management have not shown respect for our customers. Neither
have they respected the efforts of our hard-working staff.
It's our staff who built up our well earned reputation as being a caring and innovative service
provider to our Tipperary customers.
I don't think anywhere else in Europe do the public tell stories of the legendary ability of An
Post staff to make deliveries despite somewhat brief or exotic addresses being used. If a
customer posts a letter to 'Jimmy, the blonde butcher in Wicklow', a machine can't handle that.
It's our workers that do that, and have built the companies reputation by doing so.
What's required now is for all parties to talk in a reasonable and constructive manner.
Common sense must prevail.
Cllr Seamus Morris is available to answer questions on 087-285-9125
Photographs (1)

Cllr Samie Morris.

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