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‘rontenac Secondary School Department of Mathematics STUDENT NAME: MFM IPH - GRADE 9 APPLIED MATHEMATICS FINAL EXAM _ Exam Dates Mossy hae 29,2003 Exam Time s:15am Exam Roon Gyn} nda ‘Exam Length: 114 Fours Cours MFM IPH - Grade 9 Applied Mathematics Teacher: MJ 0Rouke Number of Pages: 9 pages incling thi cover page Special Instructions: Complete all ananese i tho space provided Ifyou requte addons space for your answer, ow may 52 the Bek oftexam pages. Be ret itaicate where you ve doe is! Ensure ou ra al the questions carey ad ansiver esa whet he question espe Pay atenion to the vale ven to cach question and he suypesedsurount of tn for. con, Ged Lach | Section _| Suggested Time | Total Marks Your Score Pat | 30 minutes 38 : i Part B nutes si Technical ar TOTALS. 90 misates 2 } Term Mark (80%): Exam Mark (20%) Final Grade: cane 28,2003 MEM ver Page 1 of 8 PART A:Muhiple Choice Cirele the comect answer I‘ 6 12. 1a, 4. FIL 15, You wish to find out the favorite soft drink of Prontexac students. You survey 20 stydents from your math class. Would this survey be biased or unbiased’? Biased _/ Unbiased Ina set of data, the number that occurs the most often is called the (@) mean (b) median (©) mode (@) range “The line that approxinsates the data on a scatter plot is called the (a) ine of best fit (b) parallel ine (c) trend line (a) slope ‘The expression Sxy* ~2 is an example of a (a) monomial (hb) binosnial—(¢) trinomial. (variable Ifx-3, then x? —5 equals on (bt wa mo Which pair are Tike terms? (a) 2x,2y (b) 2x5 (©) 2x30 () X28 ‘The solution to the equation 3x=12 is x= wa (9 Oa 36 ‘Two acute angles that add up 10 90 ° are called fa obtuse (b) acute (c) supplementary (4) complementary ‘The total number of Usprees in the angles of @ triangle is, (a) 90° (b) to" (2)300" (@) 500° ‘The pet @) meiet ofa circle is calted the rreumferonee —(b) diameter (c) radius pi ‘Two lines that are parallel have the same (@) base {b) slope (intercept (a) Hine What is the y-intercept of the line y~4x-2? (a2 )2 {oy @3 3 2 expressed as a decimal is @7 6 6 3 When graphed, a linear relationship always forms a straight live, ‘True or False JIN THE BLANKS for the rest of the questions. 16. -24(3) 408) 18. xe = June 23,2003 MEN Ube Page 2 of 8 20, Answer the followings qacstions using the graph below State the intercept, b. State the stope of the Hine: c, Write the eqution of te tne 4. The ite shows a postive or eave, coveaion? Give the value ofy when x= 4 {5 this partial or direct variation? __ fa, On the same grid draw the ine x= 3, 21, Isthepoint (2,3 )onthelie Sx~3y=17 YES NO. (ircle one) 22. Reovtte in scientific notation’ 48,000,000 _ 23, The perimeter ofthe following object is: 24, Wraling has 9 ope of 3, thew uhe slope ofa ine vhat is perpendicular to this fine will havea slope of. 25. The area of a rectangle with sides 3 metres and 5 mnetresis :_ 26. rocket is launched from a platform and is accelerating upward. Which of the following ‘wu grapis isa beller representation ofthe rockets wip? (-eeele one ) so fone 23,2003, MPMUH Poge 3 of 8 28, Jesse's mom asked him to go to the store te pick up the weekend paper. Below is the graph that describes Fesse’s tip to and from ihe store @) Between what two times was Jesse traveling the fastest? b) How tong did Jesse spend at the store? . on ©) How faris the store from Jesse's house? d)— Howlong didittake lessee complete 2 bis trip? ‘Tine ny 29. Simplify. (mm) Part B- 81 Marks 1. Using the graph atthe right, identify the coordinates of the fllowing points: [4 marks] A B c D 2 Using the graph at the right, plot and Ibe the following points [6 morksy E(-4,6) (0-3) 65-1) H(42) 5, write the equation of the Line By 4. Desoribe a situation that can be modelled by the equation y=L0x425 rt 5. Make up an equation of a line parallel to the tine y~2x-5. i te A basketball player is interested i the relationship between the numnber of shots made ‘and the distance she is from the net. Using the data given below, create a seatter plot « the axis provided and answer the following, questions, HEE EEE 15) (a) Calculate the mean (average) distance from the basket mH (b)Catoufate the mean number of shots made. ur {¢) Plot the mean if point with a larger dot than the previous points, and draw the m. fit fine, RB June 23,2003 MFMIPH Page 5 0f8 1. Simiplity by collecting like terms. (a) Sy-3x () repeoeesy wat 3. Expand (3) 23x44) ) 2+39) (©) Cams?) Real 4. Use exponent laws to simplify dhe following, (a) Pax? © a © ey (th : 4S Solve the following equations (b) 1g 256 (8) 2x-5=7 (© Hy-2)=27 ear ae 23,2005 MEMIPH Paye 6 of 8 PART 2 Short Answer. + Answer in the space provided. |. Find the value of each unknown angle in the diagrams below: fa) ®) ae Ne, Ny v1 @ © 2. Determine the perimeter of each of the following: Show all work! pa ste sen : « aa pea Tem Jone 23,2003 MEMIPH age 7 of 3. A farmer has installed a tower that will generate electricity fiom the wind, “The tower is supported by a cable that connects the top of the teres 48 the around. Ifthe eable 301m long, and the eable is anchored into the wround 20m vay from the bottom ofthe tower, how tall is the tower?” (Express your answer rounded to 1 decimal place.) (Hine: Use Pythagorean Theorem ay b* 18 marks) 20m ‘The cost of renting a car at Huurtz car rental is 2 $40.00 base fee and $20 per day. ‘Another company, Budgie car rental, charges $25.00 per day, with no base Tee 3) Write an equation representing the cost to rent a ear at each of the companies, {4 marks} Hur Cost= pee Budgie: Coa. >) Onthe graph below, draw a ine that shows the cost of renting a car ‘teach ofthe two companies, Be sure to include an appropriate scate and label on each axis, 4 cwarks] ann t ©) When is the cost the same at both companies? {Lark 6) When would you recommend that a person rent fiom each company? 7 marks} Sune 23,2003 MFMIPH Pope 8 of8 Calculate the volume of water that a cieular hot tub would hold if it has a diameter 4 marks ‘of 2.5m and ig 1.5m deep. (Round your answer to 4 decimal place) [A jumbo TOBLERONE chocolate bar is shipped in a box in the shape of a triangular prism. If the box has the dimensions shown below, determine the sucfuce area of ‘cardboard requited to make the box. (Round your answer to one decimal place) 15 marks} =

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