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Questions for Analyzing Images Page 31

1. The appearance of the image is of a canyon high up with a falling building

making a bridge between both sides of the canyon and in the background you
can see the cloudy sky with a glimpse of the sun setting behind the falling
building and people running across the building. It is in color and glossy and it
looks very lively because of the people running across the almost collapsing
bridge like building.
2. The image is an abstract image with a combination of people and a place.
The people represented in this image are the runners. The place that they are
in is a section of the maze that they have to figure out how to get out of.
3. The intended audiences for this image are teens and adults. This image is an
advertisement that is directed to those who are interested in thrillers, action,
science fiction and adventure. It is placed on Facebook in the sidebar when
you go on a certain page.
4. The image conveys one of seriousness. Yes, I do think that the expression of
seriousness was intentional because it makes you want to know what
happens in the movie. I look at the image and feel excited to see what
happens to the characters and if the building that they are using as a bridge
breaks or if someone fall while running across. It makes me want to know
what they are running from and why they are running.
5. The element that is the most prominent to me in the image is the actual
image of the canyon and the people running across it. Each part contributes
to the whole because it forms the whole story for the audience to see.
6. The images layout leads my eye to the bridge. I look at the bridge, the
canyon, the runners and then the sky. The section that immediately jumps
out to me is the way that the canyon winds.
7. The image and the text relate to one another because it is the title of the
movie and it gives you the reason for why the people in the image are
running. It also gives you the date of the movie release and a quote that
sums up the whole movie.
8. Yes the image calls for the response for you to go to the movie theatre and
watch the movie when it comes out and also for you to bring friends to watch
it with you.

Questions for Conducting a Semiotic Analysis Page 28

1. The denotative meaning of my subject is that the Maze Runner: The Scorch
Trials is a movie based on teenagers being tested to see if they can beat a
maze and get out while staying alive throughout the nights they are stuck
2. The connotative significance of the image is that a bunch of people are
running away from something crossing a makeshift bridge between two sides
of a canyon to get away from something.

3. The associated signs that belong to the system are the title of the movie on
the bottom of the advertisement and also the people running in the
advertisement picture.
4. The differences that I see in the signs are that the title is just there as
something to tell you what the actual image is about but the image gives you
a general idea of what part of the movie is going to be about.
5. The abductive explanation that I have for my observations are that when it
comes to a movie advertisement they will put an eye catching picture that
makes you think and want to know what the movie is about. Then they will
put the title of the movie and then a quote that sums up the movie to get you
to want to go see the movie.

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