Bruce Schriver Statement of Facts

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pt Od 05 15 08.2p CANADA GR.No, PROVINCE OF NOVA SCOTIA IN THE PROV, NCIAL COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA An the matter of HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN sand BRUCE PATRICK SCHRIVER AGREED STATEMENT OF FACTS wien & Macie Heesema en Arweneys Counsel for Me, sce Sebsiver (Od 05 15 08:3Gp p2 Porsunt £0 5, 653 of the Crinin Cu ef Canals, the Crown alleges, and the accused, Mr. Bruce ck Schtiver, admins, for dhe pwposes of pen the following (acts: % For many pears, Mr, Bruce Pauiek Sehrive ob, May §, 1959) advisor, “In June of 1999, he bepan wath freotporated. On was employed as an savestment “a segivtered sulvisor with Selact Money Stencagies 2004, his eeyrioyment was ccuminared with Sclect Money § icorperited. Following his ‘tetmiaatos finm Select Money Stiatagies Tncomporated, he SIE Ieee mblovrent with Desjantio Finuscial Security Lavestroo Jacomorated in 7004/2008 where he conned to work ax un investment aden ten employrnent with Desjesdins PF Cutity Investments Incurpacated was eventually terminated in 2009, fa his capacity as an invesunent advisor, ht. Schei leveloped x tusting relationship with many ot his clients 422 vietionss Richnusl Ayling, Michael Wary Rigase, Gregory Thomey, Rosa = Dele Fis, Steven Kraft, Florence Fader, Lyne Riguse, Thelma Flovd, Lae ett) Morison, Ronalé Gates, Paslete Dane, Kevia Keddy, Faocorch Deveney card Paaeegeg amtoer Lewin, Daticis Musply, Jona Labib, lames Coleman, Lin Levy, and, Edward MacNeil. 20 of the 22 vicui er or existing clients af Me. Scheivet. Jn general che mechanism by ss Uetraudes! the victims ena be descsived as follows. 1. Mx Schoiver sougine and obtained Aands fro: Savencneat scenarios ‘he received in the manner agmiedl upon ot horeowed money from -d money, igcenent Fund) d guariatee repayment 07 the principal br providing a promissory net 3. In most casee S tthe victios, but rather, admaaly used hs owe personal expemes and a hf ids he received for the ceasons be specified > repay hie indebmase to thet victims and for that war beyond hie means the viscins in the face cpap the Lon renogotang the futher funds to chave the losses and kaowingly issuing Sumerous repayment cheques despite having ‘no d bai accouitts co satsée the amount if the Mz. Sehaver a bis consistent fallurn co make good on npced to ‘The teal loss fron: chi Fraud payable: which che From any intes onable doube as cx py hare bur ontis outstanding $856.39. "38 of che Cintminay Cad} to the 22 views of Mt coe amounts reflect a proposti clause 3.5), eheugh, chai nusdronion orders ¢ Sct appeopriace The fol 2 Of the cbere nosed. p: sisp ps Od 05 15 08:3Gp ofhvowledged by Mr. Scheiver thar hue zestutions amonnts may She sctwal losses t0 each of the vicuime: represent chet Richard Ayiing ~ $54,250.07 Michael Harry Rigase ~ $99,290.79 3. Gregocy Thomey ~ $89,833.83 4 Ross Zinck — R87 AZL41 5. Wayne Cruiceshanke - $16,704.64 6 Dale Elis ~$9,929.98 °. Steven Krafft - $13,372.06 8. Florence: Fadiet (the estate Y. Lynn Rigase = $61,922 76 10. Thelewn Floyd — $16,500.71 Hi. Dale Moctivon & Sheri Momisan - $98,453.42 £2, Ronald Gases — $18,095.69 13. Pandorte Dane ~ $16,700.90 14. Kevin Roddy ~ $44,545.79 18, Tredatick Devesux - $145,780 72 16, Hatwex Power — $15,776.00 27, Covetner Lewis ~ 327,84 1 Patsicin Mumphy ~ $132, 59. Joan Labib — $6,032.25, Sa si8.2e 2073 tn the Halitan Regionat fuc Het Nelesty the Queen Fatcey MacDonald, counsel tor 2 Parack Seaver Counsel for Hee Majong che Queen Page of 3

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