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Thank you for sharing OpenMedias Digital Future Platform with us, and for giving us this
opportunity to share our commitments to Internet privacy, access and free expression. We
would like to congratulate you for the excellent ground work you have done in compiling this
platform through crowdsourcing.
As you are aware, the NDP voted against Bill C-51, and we will repeal it if elected. We do not
believe in warrantless access, unless in limited emergency situations, mass surveillance, or
expanding powers of CSIS, especially without strong oversight and accountability
mechanisms, which do not currently exist.
We have supported the Privacy Commissioner, and have called for the modernization of the
Privacy Act, as well as giving additional order-making powers to the Commissioner and
requiring mandatory breach notification where there is a risk of harm, as detailed in the Bill
C-475, introduced by the NDP in the last Parliament.
The NDP believes all Canadians should have access to affordable internet access in order to
fully participate in the digital society. We will establish an action plan to increase the number
of Canadian households with broadband access, based on broadband targets similar to
those of leading OECD countries, including for rural and remote communities. We support
net neutrality.
As we approach Canadas 150th birthday, it is essential that we have a government that puts
free expression, fairness, equity, accountability and the protection of Canadians rights at the
forefront of its policy. We must revitalize and strengthen our democracy.
Canadas NDP has made a commitment to democratic reforms, including proportional
representation, which would foster more participatory, democratic and transparent processes
to create a legislative environment that supports creators and the public.
In a modern digital age, protecting free expression requires ensuring the right balance
between ownership and usage rights over created material. Canadas NDP has
demonstrated its commitment to achieving that balance.
Again, thank you for sharing your Digital Future Platform with us, and for your ongoing efforts
on behalf of an open Internet.

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