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acrt Scene it TIME: For days later SET: The some AT RISE The od of ening mahi ibn tie eens, esi mee tan mate ides epee ead ‘Serta edt ide Bete Died dale hel Tan ee, Ce ne a eh 1 ay 0 ac ie a rm of bape aly dg ted eet oe (ito Ses tl sb ond tm 10 Be cen dose ee mh am SARA. Hi RUTH, Hi. Thay all igh, ve gout (Ruth looks pas Sach and around the room ot tngh Ios for of {les presence She sc none, bu aly dt expe top ‘he tioppointment sows nb moment) a SARAH. You goto the grocery store on your way home? RUTH. sure did SARAH. Tl put‘em away for you RUTH, (Setting the wck ad ber pure on the table.) There's ‘noc much, Til doi in a minute, (Sips ou of ber shoer.) SARANL. (Tabing the nk nd the purse) can. (Moving foward the kitchen) You need t0 8 dawn, T het. Youve been working hued today, 1 be. RUTH. Sua SARAIH. (Tats a hitch door.) Yes, ma'am? RUTH. (Smiling) You can leave my purse in here if you SARAH, (Reoixng.) Oh, (Small embarassed laugh.) Or (loner Back tothe table wish.) RUTH. (did that myself one day. (Going tothe sof.) Pur iy pure inthe ice box SARAH. Why? RUTH, 1. wase'e thinking 1 guess SARAH. Or, Fad (oo many things on your ad probably RUTH, Probably SARAH. Too many things 19 do probably. (Standong with the such in ber arms, not faking Rath gui.) Veould foto the sire for you someries. (And she quickly arms and Ents nso the kitchen, Ruth nity, but om becoming sear of the sewing machine forthe firs tome, she ets immediately ‘backup and goes tothe Ball door) ROTI (Calling) Jeanaie? tm home, honey. (eam call Tomeving bak.) What? (She kittens. Joon repeat. she sll doen't understand, bat decider to let it go") Fine, (Moves bbck roand the roe and the sewing machine continues) SARAH (Eaveringffom the hucher.) She's sewing again. RUTH. Ab. Hae har she been 2 it long SARAH. (Forlore) All day RUTH, Ah. (“Covering”) School clothes. She has to have 8 ‘hole new wate to star the fal, SARAH mean, [dont now if she's been sewing all da, but «(She looks toward the Bal! door sadly, then after 4 short moment, turns back t0 Rath.) Sure hope she hast been ‘aus that can be tel bad on yout eyes, RUTH, Yes she’s pood light in thet, though, SARAH. Oh. Well. hat good. Be too badif she had to end lp wearin lasees or poing blind. RUTH. T doubs that happen SARAH (Looking as Rah’ wher.) Those are awful petty shoes RUTH, They old. Thank you SARAH. Tused to have pai jas like chem, alnost RUTH. You dia? SARAH. Oaly mine were white RUTH. They did come in whit. SARAH, (Continuing) —And mine had low heels. And ‘mine dda't have (Picks one shoe np.) —you know —they ida’ have this open place at the tos. That the only aierence RUTH. (Fighting «emile, she modi.) Ab SARAH. Idon't have mine no more. They got runt when [wore ‘em in the ran. Come pate, (lan eniers ito the ball dooreay and leans against 1 with ber ates fled. Netber Sarah nor Ruth notice er. She tens to them and, bough ‘the does nothing to atrac attention, nether isthe haba) RUTH. The rail do that SARAH, They kind of shriveled up. RUTH, Whar did you do today, Seah? SARAH. (Pleianthy.) Nothin But Thad ea nice time, 1 * here and waited for you to come home. Read these ol «omic books I found out nthe back porch, RUTH. Tin. Tm snr there's nor very much for you to do hece during the day SARAH. Tike i 1s real quiet, (Pointing a the comic bed ‘cen reading.) That one's got wonderful tory itl mean i's jus of comic book, but itt about thi il who proms ‘pina jungle with chis old man and these natives whe Ine “ inthe jungle with hee think she's a witch —but she's noe— and they ty to kill her al the time, but hey cant and shes beautiful. Theo, she fll in love with this roan who comes into the jugple adhe wants take her out but » bur she fgets burned up. By the natives. In x ce. (Brief awe) T [edie I ides reli uighs, RUTH. Greem Mansions SARAH, You tead i, too? RUTH. Wall, its based on « book and I read the book SARAH. And one of Jean's fends came over. Jean ‘perés 2.7) RUTH, On? SARAH. But don't know which one it was. just heard ‘em back thece. She sure does hae slr of friends, docs’ she? ean edges berelf art tad more imide the halla. ten fn.) She's got more fiends ight roday than Lever even knew ineny whale life, | bet RUTH. Ie only seems like alo, Sarah. because they move around $9 fast. One gore ot the back door and another omesin the front and the fest one comes back nse win low and they ate always running. There relly sent 0 ‘many of tern, SARAH. I don't mean 1 sce em over here necesasily (IPith sight seme of pride at Brovsing tomcone so Pop lar) bu she's always gon’ fl to somebody notes (Slighs pause.) Cep today she monty stayed in mest. 1 think RUTH. She's usually on the go. (Sig pause —“exwaly.") Did you write your parents cody? SARAH. (Looking aunzy) No RUTH. Ah. You mentioned law night you might do that i shy asked SARAH. (Looking dow.) d's know what to write RUTH. Well. Tm sure they'd like to know you'e wel They might be woeted SARAH No RUTH, Well... (She watcher Sarah « moment ax Sach stand looking down at the floor Saas? SARAH. Yer naam? RUTH. Come here-Come sit down SARAN, Yes mala (Moving tof) baked cake today, RUTH. Good. SARAH, (Siting) Justa of white cake RUTH. 1 just wanted you to know that Ive rold people that you'te the sir ofa man who used co work for ny Foe band, chat you're fom Geoggit— mich you mes sed of the whole familys, I's oe anyone's busines, bar wed Willa andso I chougie that might be the leas embaraery ay fo you, And if anyone wans to know how long sea saving «Cooks geestoninghy at Sarh- SARAH. (A laugh) Yes RUTH, But only forthe neighbors sake. Don't want co case any heart sack, SARAH. Teould help you. RUTH No, no. 1 lke being out thete by myself SARAH. (Zooks down.) Oh RUTH. (Looks a fer) 1. don' even lee Jeanie. (A ‘ihe covering laugh.) My “poate” time. cam enters stands just inside the door. Ruth seeing ber} Hi, honey JEAN. Wi, (Rath gins beret toward the bull. Sbe paker ‘an ar tousrd the sreen door and glances out alos vb, comiousty) RUTH. Sarah sys you've been working hard coday JEAN. Yes. RUTH, Me, too. The bank was « complete madhouse this alteroon, (Buitrg.) Can I peek at what youre making? (Stet out.) JEAN. Yes SARAH, (After an awhuard pout.) Sounded like you were ping ro hurn that motor up yesetday JEAN. I." wane co et flashed a

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