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APPENDIX A ‘Broms method for analysis of single piles under lateral loading ‘Te method was preset in tee papers bled in 1964 and 1965 (roms 1964, "Sth, 965. As sown nthe flowing paragraphs ap canbe designed to atin ¢ Intra loa by solving some simple equa ory refering och and grape [Ad PILES INCOMESIVE SOIL ‘ALL Una tral oad fr plein coher sil roms adopted dstbaton of oll esse, a shown i Figure A.) tat ows te ima ara lado be computed by equations of sac egitim, Te elilaion of sol resistance forthe top 1.3 dames af he pie is a alt of lowe esas in a ‘ae case a wedge of sil can move up and et when the ie is efee. Te sles ‘in of nine tines be uae tear srengt es the ple amet she ims sl reste, eparales of det, bated on kates with movement of sail fen th ‘eat toward te bok of the ile AL). Sho fehead pe ico sll For shor piles that we urease apis oan, the pte that wee sled fo Seevior e showa in Figure A2. The following equation eae fom the inert ef the upper art of he herr ote prin of mr shear (Ie po fy = zen) Maz = (ors) 2 a ‘Butte poe where shear is a May = ler10+05/) a latraton ofthe lover prion of he ser dg yes Pa 370 Plunder lar ong — ‘gee A. Asam dart frescos Sr tsk i Fee A2. Dias of deacon, sl site, se, and moment fr she le in exkese Mos = 2.256? as ema be een at Lae soe) as [quations A tough A. may be saved othe fod Pg that wl rode soi fare Aer obtaining 2 value of Pa he maximum monet an be corte atd compared ihe moment api ofthe ple. An appropriate fcr of xe should be employed ‘Asan example ofthe tse of the equtns assume the flowing 15-305 mm asm 305m OD. see pipe 19m wal), 2 195% 10 we 061 mL 244 mand roms method for enabisof sige ples under lateral loading 371 e791. ution A2 though A. ae soled simaneousy andthe following quartic eg too bane P'41,083P, 67,9000 P= 948N ‘Sthsitng in Equation A.3 yeh aun moment Moe = 90610150305) O2BA] Bur9V0305) oT, Assuming po aval lan, the mci esis f= TASS) 65.009 15810" ‘The computed maximum srs is ler fr 8 se pi, epi when itor of| safe i apie to Pay. Te compuations, ther, sow te shor pe weal al da stoi lee, roms presented a convenient tof ues fr sting the prblem ofthe shape (ee Fig A3), Energie carves with 18 of & and wf 2 one cis aval of Pa, ‘of RN, which ages wid he ress computed sve AL12 Lang, frosted piles n cohen sll ‘sth pl in cohesive sol with he west! hea becomes longer, file wll out ihe fomsaton of pls hinge at a depth of 1506 + Equation A can then be teed icy sole fr te ulna ne ea at cn be applied, The shape of he le uner load wil be dirt han ht shows In Figure A2 Eu the ears of me ‘his othe upper prion of he pie remain sachanged, ‘A past ge wil develop wht the ied soso te tea i ataned oer the ‘re crosescton Forth ple tats wed inte example, i yield moment 50 AN ‘tie yield srength a tts lee 276 MP Sutsuatng mo Egution AS 0-1, (os1so4se 24) P= 22418 Bom presented st of caves fo sage the problem of the ang pile (se Fle. A). Exering the crs wih va of Mjed? af 3164 one aie 8 val of Pa of dost Bon i a a roms method fr onal of gl ple nde ltr loading 373 AL.13 Inyluenc of ple length re-headiles in cohesive sil Consdtion may need be given the pl lenght wich the ie eases to bea sort Pile. Teva ofthe yield ment maybe computed fom the ple geomet apd mate al properties and sed with Esutons A2 Hwaugh AS to soe fer» tea length ‘ong wll by ing: Ora pal solution my tt with ws of these pile eutons if he resuag momen is lager than the ye momen, he lng ations ay be For the example problem, te length which he shr-pile equation east be ‘ali may be fou by subsiing a vase of Pay of 224 HN ino Equation A2 and solving fo fae ubstting ale of Ny F430 kN no Eaion At and saving fog Equation AS can then be ove for The valu of Lt fon to be $m Ta, forthe example roblen the vale of Puy sess fom zr to 2 KN asthe leah oF he ple increases fom 0.6m to 5m, and ebove a tenth ofS Ste valor of Pay te rains constant 325 1, ALAA Short fed aps in caer ot Fora peta had apis rutin a top, the mode of fire depends one length ofthe pie Fora shor pe, Tau cass of hora moveret of th pie eg he si wih the il 0 rsgancedeveepng ovr te engin ofthe ple eer he ‘op ove and anal ie diameters, wheres expesy eliminated A sine equation ‘ein be wen fr thi made flu, base on freee, Pag =964KE1.55) 0s, ALLS Imormetate eg feted plein coh il ‘A epleBecones longer, an nermediae length seach sch hata plate hnge 6 ‘elo the tp of the pl Rta tthe tp of he ple wl occur an pt of 22 election wil exist samevhee along he eth ofthe il Figure AS presse ‘ams of mechan fr the cst ofthe estaloed pil of innit gh “The equation for moment eqolibrium fete pom whee te sear 2 here be postive moments axinun ux nae n-r00(S)-, sme s=n0sieesp-a, wo exp ae pt wpa ae "este in rn he Pa Inia roe wo 1394 Plead lea loading it oer coors eg As Dagan cco lines, fn ere ile a0) Eustis A tough A.10 canbe solved forthe teavir ofthe resins pile fin rei enh ALG Long feted ples n cohesive soll ‘Themachan ors long ile tht is restine ti tp i slr otha sown in Figure [AS except hat a plas hinge develops atte poit of he maximum postive moment ‘Toa the A=" in Ezuton A Became Man the fllowng equa ese 2m, TsO autions 810 and 11 canbe Sled to bain Pa fre ong ple A an ALL Inlence ofp leh ead psn cohesive sll ‘The example problem wil be solved for te ile lengths wher hele goes fo one moe of ther t nee. Sting wt the shor pl, an eqn canbe writen or moment equi fr the case whee the ytd moment has developed the op of the Pileand whee te moment tt atom zero. Refrng to Fee AS, bt with the soit Fesistanc onl on the rig-hand sie of pl taking Boments about he Beto a he pile yl the fling etn ras 8 m0 ‘Summing foes inthe orion rection yield the nest equation. MLL) =0 (ene a 9.6) roms method for nays of single ple snd fateral loading 318 ‘The simataeous slo fhe wo eaatons yes the dese expresso. eCraTS any "autons A und A.12 canbe solved simtaneol fo Pyaar fr lows om Equation A, Pua = 9X47 9O.50SHL 04575, fom Equi A12, Pua 450105. +0229, then = 24 ad P= 281 4N, Fo th determination ofthe length where he behavior chang fom ht af he pile of internecine lng to tht a Tong pile, Eatatons A dough 410 canbe wel wih Mau eal Ma flows E08 A, fg = KES. _—_ Som EO A, a 0 oF fmt AR ef 362 09 BaperoNORS, fom Equi A9, L= 0.940305) +g ‘fom EqusionA.10, =A c47930305) then = 7.27 mand Pa 419 ase, fo th example problem the ale of Pa nests fom 26281 AN as tte lengih ofthe pl meres fom 046m to 26" ites fom 281 KN 419 LN as ‘he length increases fom 24 1073 mal bone gh of 73 ae of a, Ins reseraion roms showed a curve in Figue Afr he shot pi tha was ‘sae aginst rina fs top. That cave is med here bene the compan ‘ue sade so realy wit Egan A. Brome eave forthe lng ple at fed pin rt ats op is reined in Figure Abu a tel add oenoure pope, eof the cave. Fo he example problem, a value of 415 EN was obaned fi Pay hich ares wel withthe computed vale No curves a prescted othe ple of ‘ermetin lngh, AL2 Deflection of plein cohesive sol Broms suggested that fr cbse sls the assumption of coef of subgrade rese- ‘ion that const wi depth co be used with good res for pectin the lateral ‘ection a te grou. He farther ogget tat he coc of subgrade reacog ‘ould be tear the averse over deh of 0882, ne 376 Pls wader aera lading whee sol ection modus nd: pile sis. Bros presented euros and ces fr coping the detonate grown. is resentation follows the provers peed eesere in his tex ‘With egardo values ofthe ection mols, Bros used work ohms and Veic (0961a, TH6Ib) for selection of values, depending cathe uoconfned compresive Seng oh sol. The work of Terai (1958) an ther wih eet othe resction ‘mode ve been diesel ine et Brom suggested hah as of cata forthe ection mad i valid oly Fora load of nef one hi of he imate aa capt of ple 8 ALS fe of aie of lading on pir cote rot “Tae vats frenton mods presente by Temaghl ar apparel fe sh ond ing Terai dnt dae yam oading othe eects of peste lang. Also, be ‘hie Teraghscofcens wer for overonslitd con, the efecto stained leading would probably be minimal, Bees th atu of he oadlng i 50 nga a regard to ple response, soe of Brom’ remarks ae peste bere roms mugged hat th cree inthe deficton ofl de loading de to comolison can be asimed ob sarees wold tac lace wi ie fer pend Footings and rats founded onthe youd surface ot same dnc below the ground surice,Broms sugested th std footings on ti ay indie t the coef et of subgrade reaction tobe wed fr loagtie Ina deflsion shoul be ake 5 Uw I ofthe nl ection modus. The ve of te coetlent fsbgrade rnc: ‘ion for somal consoled ea shoul be 1/1 16 te inal vl roms sugges tht epi oa case a rulers te she stent of ‘he sol oct i the mete vii of «pe. He stated tht npied fl ‘ate at epee lounge decree te uit eral ressance ofthe silo sot ‘oneal ntl vale. AZ PILES IN COESIONLESS SOILS [ALL Ultimate lateral lado ples in cohesion se As for the as of case oo faire made were cosee sl ae an = ‘ar of the pile bythe Formation of plastic hinge. With regal lr in ee oles so Brome essed ht the inate traits alo ee ine the ‘Rankine pasive psu. Thus, aa depths below the oan rte the sil reisance runt ofleng Pan be bane om he following eqanons, Pde, am 4, -am'(asst) an) roms metodo ana of ingle under leer loading 377 whee y= unit weight of Sl; Rankine coef of pasive pressure; nd ‘ion ange of, fhe [ALL Shor fe-head ples i coho sil For shor les th re nrearined agaist otto, 2 ol ure wll acer. The cane showing sol escton sa fincon of depth shpes approximately 2 shown in Fi ‘We AG. The use of Mas an applied monet she op ofthe pe flows the proces doped ty Broms bots and Myarsting, the ret woud emer ones he Image of unl pracc tt lone would be apli. “The pars tha were selected for betirae sho la Fie A. Flue thes pce ‘wien the ple rotates sich tht he utimae so eine deci ory te ‘und src 1 te center ofan. Theiph ves f sol esstnc that develop a ‘he toe ofthe ple are replace bya concent lad shun in Figue AD. “The flowing equston resis ale ing moments bot te Bot of epi wn (28) we Solving fr Phen Mega 210, Perm, wee, eh ‘ass Reb as ‘And soving for M when Ps 1 2 M,-osaee, aio guns A.14 trough A.16 ca be slved fr te land o momento «combination of ‘he to tht wil ease a soll faze. Toe mma ment wl hen be fad he ep Flow the round sure, and compared with the ment cope ofthe pile As ‘sepopite factor say shud be wed The dance fan be computed by solving ft ‘hep where tester eal te Pie AS. Asma dare fi te ‘anc fr obsolete 2378 Per wr trang me Te pe A Digs of een, sl esse se and men fr sore incor, ‘olsen piste, o,f )-0 g an Shing Equation A. for an expression fr f roand te] oe ‘The manu postive bending momen cn then be compte by fering to Figur A. MES = Ref) Or by substning expression for Equine A.7 it he shove equton, the flowing ‘roresson is ckned fr he maxima name. AL ou, cai, zs nes nA [Asan example ofthe use ofthe equations, the pile wel previously & considered. The {ton angle ote san isssunedo be 34 degrees andthe eit wept is asumed be {64 Ki (ie wae wb assumed be above the ground sures). Asse Mee alo ao. Equrions AS and 15 yl he alow ‘roms metho fron of nl ples under ater lading 379 28.69103092.44764) (ste2ay 2 ‘he dance ean be emote yslving Egon A.18 15g 2) 159 m 1-e0n (gagenase) “12° “The maximum positive bending momen en be found sing Exton A. cays) : oe (2.29061 +1.259)- -22m4N ‘Asaing no axial loa he mannan being ssi 022301505 175810 h 2900080 ‘The computed maximum ses ands tkabe, expec when 8 fitor of safle is tsed to reduce Pay. Bros pesered carver fr the slut of he eae where ‘Shon, unesrines ple unergoes sl tale bower Exutons 4.18 and At? a so lementary ta rsh crves ae unset. ‘A212 Long. freshdl in cohen sil ‘Aste ile i chesiones soll wit the wresralaed hed becomes one, flue will ‘occu ih the formation ofa plating inept he depth below he ond Sar fe. is sued ta te uit sl rsa develope fom ke oud sure oe point ofthe platings. Also, he Shar eof the poin of maximum manent. he “ale oun be obained om Egon A. 18 show above. The maxis piv mo ‘ment ca thes be computed aed Egution 4.19 eens before haunt ul mo. an exresin cn be developed fo Pa fll von] For the example probe, Equation A20 cn be ave, follows: ca20) 20 asis0se4 ln ooo ‘roms preset eof caves for ving the probe ofthe log ee cabesoles| sols oe Fig. A) Estrin the carves wath 3 ae of MSR of 1926 on sins Valu of Py of tou 16D EN. Te garter dificult ‘maybe dail o make aol ring Eqtionf 20. Eqns A and 20 mas (etod any eae moment sapped at ep of eps 380 Pls tro oang | i ee Fig Crves fr dein fn le era a ines i A23 none ope length fre-headples in cohol 0 ‘There may be eed a se forthe ile gh ere ee change in behavior rom the shore cse othe lege eve. A forthe ee ofthe len caesive si the ei moment may be uso with Egaiont At tough 416 to slve er the eid Jeng of te le. Aernately the shri entons wold he be oped withthe >eldmoment Ite yield moment es, the longpleequtias must be se, For he example poem, the ale of Pas of 153 IN i aubttted no Equation ‘A. 16and alu of Lo 6 i compte, Ths fr thle that unetained aint ‘Dutt vale of Pa eee fom ter hes Leow of 153 KN when 18 600m, Forge values of th vale f Pa tun constant 153 KN ‘A214 Shot, fda ples in cobesiones ol For apie dh fted against ation at tp, fo cohesive soi, te mode ie for pl coesonless ol depends onthe length fhe pie: Porat pe the mode of fare wll bea horizontal movenen ofthe pe toughest he ue sa ‘esstunce developing over the fll agi of tpi The eatin for sai liens inthe horn decton lene a singe expres Py =LsyChK, aan A215 _ nerd enh fleshed pls in cobs sol [Aste pil becomes longer, a emt gh rece sich hat past hinge de ‘elope te tp oe ple. Raion at th op of he ple wl cetyl point of ee eetion wil exit smear lng the lenph ofthe ple The astute val ence ile te sane as shown in Figure 7. Taking mowets about he ce of be pile ed 1 hefolowing equation forthe in Broms mthdfranabis of ingle lr under ara Loadng 381 0K, ay uation 22 can be slved to obinin Pfr te pil of intermedi eg ALL8 Lon fsthvad ples cobeones oh ‘As the nga te pileiceses moe te mode of evr wl be hat of fog ll ‘plastic tinge wl frm ath top ofthe plle wher tee se epatv bending moment tnd at some depth fre the poste bending occa. The shar asp is 0 tnd te lite soi resistance ia shown in Figure 7. The vals of may be detr- ined om Equation A.8 bt hat equiva is renumbered al pressed ee freon. seen, raat} ox “Taking omens pin eds othe fowing equation oe winter oad on a long pile tat Ged gst tation 0p vende) ‘uations 23 and A24 can be sted btn Pa forthe og pl Pa ary ADL Influence opie low fsd.bad ples i coesotes sll ‘The ample protien wil be sive fr be pile lng vere the ple gos fom one moe of teiviar oat. Aegan canbe wren forte cate hese yld no ret hs deeloped tthe top oe bo pie. The gation raalesosice, 025 Buaies 22 at A25 a of cose, Meta bt he een is for arty. gps tins A21 and 425 can bee or Pea a fr a flows from quton 21, Pay = 10" 0 rom Eqution 25, Py = Persae? au ra =D {hen L= 3.59 mat Py took, For the determination ofthe ath where the eave changes fom ht feof in ‘een eg tat fang pl, he aie iy om Eaton A2 my be set ql at i Egon A. sued th be pc a he se ik ment vet ‘entre nah inthis sang 3 Pesan ar oti fomeqaine a2, hy Beast om Buta A, Pa 2430) 061+0.544| fn —_| ay 305155, shen £625, P= 2518 In summary, fr the example problem the vale of Pay ress fom rr to ISD KN at the leagih of the ple ress om aero 0 3.9 1 TRO EN to 251 IN a oe eng oe resem 3.39 m 0 628m and above 6.25 he val of Pa eins constant nis presen, Broms showed curves fr so ks tht were estaine gyn = ‘aon their top. Those curves ar mid esate teen a howe esse 50 ‘sy solve. Brome eave fr he log pile at ise elt ln st ep taned in Figure A baa notes adel to ener prope of he carve, Fr the example obi, ale of 30 was chained fr Pu, which ares pry with he computed "ale. The diel probly ies athe iit rend the lgaritinsalesaecuely. ‘Nocares are presented othe ie of itera gh wi ied hed ‘822 Deflection fps in cohesoness sol ‘Brom ot tat Terzaghi (1958) has shown ta the resetion modus fra chesionless sel cn be assumed fo increas approximately nearly with dep. AS 084 ere, “ing the formations of his work Terai resomneads the flowing equation the sollmodule Egthyt 29 Broms sugested tht Tezagh' aes an be wed only for computing defections up wo the woripg nad and thatthe seared elections ae wll eth he Compal ner excep orp tht ae placed wih ke a of tne rors preset quo’ al carves fru in opting the Intel deft of a Pile; however, te metbods presatdheren sre coir to be apres, |A23 fects ofnare of loading pls cohesion soil Broms noted that pls insalled in cobesonles si wil experince dhe mj of te lara delecon de teil sppison of the lad. Thee wil be ony a sal, rout of creep ude steed oad Repetiveloding and vibration, om teeter hand, cn cause significa ado elton, especialy if the relive deny of te cobeslss oi low: Bs ted tat work of Prakash (1962) shows tht the Intel deetono pile group In sand ‘ened to evie the inital defn afer 40 eels of ld The incase efeton ‘responds ta decreas nthe so ods 6 one-hid alvae roms metho rons of snl pes nde lateral loading 333 Fo piles subjected o repeated latin, Bromsecrmended fr cbesoles sols of low sitive desi tt te reaction modus be cereus to 1 lvl td ta the vale ofthe ection medals be dees to 12H inal aie for sl of high rene doy. He sugested har hse recommendations be ued wih cation be ‘se ofthe sexy of experimental da

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