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In Ugandan society men have many more rights than women.

The submission
to men used to be much more public. Women were taught to bow to the command
of every man whether it be their father, brother, husband, or any other man in
society. Into the 1990s, women in rural areas of Buganda were expected to kneel
when speaking to a man (2). This public submission lessoned with time.
We again see the importance of women but the lack of power in marital
status. Family prosperity in rural areas involves the acquisition of wives, which is
accomplished through the exchange of bridewealth (2). A bride brings wealth and
stability to the family. The wife not only brings in wealth through her bridewealth
but she is also in charge of running the family. She raises the children and runs the
household. So we see that women are of grave importance but the men have all the
real power because they rule the women.
We also see a division of labor. Women are extremely important in the
agriculture industry which all but runs the Ugandan economy. Nationwide, 72% of
all employed women and 90% of all rural women work in agriculture. Only 53% of
rural men do so (1). But even in the agriculture industry there is inequality. Women
are often given the lesser tasks of planting and weeding. Men are given the tasks of
determining what will be marketed. Men also tend to be more responsible for cash
crops which bring in more income than other agriculture which once again gives
them the upper hand.
Today the government, under Musevini, is fighting for womens rights as they
see the importance that women play in society. The constitution of Uganda
provides for recognition of the rights of women, promotes and protects social justice
and equality of all Ugandans (3). Despite the legislation and policy framework that
is in the works to create equality, until the marriage system in Uganda is altered
there will never be equality. Men still rule women in their own homes.
We see how unequal the rights are for women in Uganda and yet they are
vital to society. Without women the entire economy would crash in Uganda. I believe
that one of the largest places that women need equality in Ugandan society is in the
work place because they already play such a large role. They make a huge impact
on the economy by the work they do in the agricultural industry so if they were
given equal rights in the work place that impact could expand even more. The next
place that equality needs to be established is in the home. If there is not equality in
their marriage then equality in the country will never be attainable. Women will
always be underhanded in their own home and so can never reach an upper hand
anywhere else if this is not fixed. So this is the first custom where equality must be
established in order for a domino effect to follow.
(n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2015, from
Uganda. (n.d.). Retrieved October 5, 2015, from
Document.write (document.title). (n.d). Retrieved Octover 5, 2015, from

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