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Bambang Ari Sujiya Putera, 51412358

Mobile Applications Introduction to Batik Yogyakarta Based Augmented
Scientific Writing, Informatics Engineering, Faculty Of Technology Industry,
Gunadarma University 2015.
Key Word : Android, AR, Batik, Blender, Mobile, Unity, 3D.

Technology is an important part that can not escape from any human
activity. Much earlier, in virtually every human being has been equipped with a
brain structure that is perfect for creating a work (of art) that could be a new
invention that can be known until now. During its development, the art has its own
interest of each region and even countries, including Indonesia which has a work
of art that can have worldwide recognition of "Batik". With advances in
technology and human consumption patterns in lifestyles, especially in terms of
clothing, batik has an important role in its aspects. Of the above problems, the
authors intend to make an application that allows users to recognize the type of
Yogyakarta batik in a way that is easier to use the device mobile based Augmented
Reality. In this paper discussed how to create this application using unity from
making the design view to the writing of program coding. Based on the above, the
authors are interested in creating Mobile Applications Introduction to Batik
Yogyakarta Based Augmented Reality. This application is created using Unity 3D
Software, Vuforia, Blender 3D, Java, and C #.

Bibliography (2010 - 2015)

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