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Monday, August 31, 2015

Contemp Issues Art History!

Kristin Romberg

- Assistant Professor of Art History!

- 3rd year teaching at U of I!
- What is Art History!
stories and conceptual frameworks of art!
writes articles, books, exhibitions!
way to ground practice of art!
makes you more creative through an understanding of the history of the craft!
examining objects closely and how is it made, why, when!
brings together a lot of majors!
unravels significance of an object!
most flexible major, does a lot of diverse jobs!
- What its like to be an ARTH major!
worked in Getty Center in LA on research leave!
Getty center was gift!
- two institutes: Restoration/conservation institute and the Getty Research institute!
- had a theme last year: object-value-canon (canon: importance/quality)!
- Issues in art history!
how to bring about change through narratives of the past to change ourselves and
to help the world

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