Anitathomas Classliturgy

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Gather (Introductory Rites)


Date: Monday 5th

December 2015

Feast: Nil

Focus: Fourth
Sunday of Advent

Place: Prayer Circle

Time: Approx. 30 mins
Group: Year 6
Required Props (Cross, candles, symbol etc.):
Advent wreath (with Advent candles)
Jesse tree
Purple cloth
OPTION: Cut out illustrations related to gospel reading, colouring
How will symbols be displayed/used? (What specific action?):
Purple cloth draped on table
Props placed on table (Advent wreath with 3 violet candles and one
rose candle, small Jesse tree, Bible, Crucifix)
Yesterday was the last Sunday of Advent before
Christmas. Advent is a very special time as we have
waited for the birth of Jesus Christ. Today, let us
share what we have waited for and how Mary waited
for the birth of her son, Jesus Christ.
Gathering Hymn:
O come, O come, Emmanuel
Retrieved from
O come, O come, Emmanuel!
Redeem thy captive Israel
That into exile drear is gone,
Far from the face of God's dear Son.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, thou Branch of Jesse! draw
The quarry from the lion's claw;
From the dread caverns of the grave,
From nether hell, thy people save.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, O come, thou Dayspring bright!
Pour on our souls thy healing light;
Dispel the long night's lingering gloom,
And pierce the shadows of the tomb.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

Seated in a circle in a
focussed prayer
Sign of the Cross

Light the 4th Candle

(the last violet
candle) in the Advent

O Come, thou Lord of Davids Key!

The royal door fling wide and free;
Safeguard for us the heavenward road,
And bar the way to death's abode.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, O come, Adonai,
Who in thy glorious majesty
From that high mountain clothed in awe,
Gavest thy folk the elder Law.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.

Go & Tell (ConcludingRespond

(Liturgy ofListen

Opening Prayer:
Dear God, because you love us so much you sent
your only Son into the world to do what is right and
treat people fairly. Help us to prepare for his coming
with joyful and humble hearts. We ask this through
him, who lives with you and the Holy Spirit, forever
and ever. Amen.
First reading: HEBREW 10:5-10
Brothers and sisters:
When Christ came into the world, he said:
Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,
Reflection and discussion about Gospel reading:
What can you retell from the reading today?
Discuss how the reading is about Mary
travelling to meet Elizabeth
Elizabeth cries out about the baby in Marys
Closing prayer:
Loving God, may your love be with us today and
always. Help us to bring peace and joy to all your
people around the world, as we wait in hope for the
coming of your Son Jesus. We ask this through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Concluding Hymn:
A Boy Is Born in Bethlehem Christmas Hymn and
Retrieved from:
A Boy is Born in Bethlehem!

Allelujah! Allelujah!
And joy is in Jerusalem,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
And there He lay in manger poor,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
Whose rein shall last for ever-more,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
The ass and ox and all the heard,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
Knew well that Boy to be the Lord!
Allelujah! Allelujah!
And kings from out the East there were,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
With gold and frankincense and myrrh
Allelujah! Allelujah!
He lived like us in form and dress,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
Without our taint of wickedness.
Allelujah! Allelujah!
He came our souls to purify,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
and bring us safe to bliss on high
Allelujah! Allelujah!
Therefore, let us with one accord,
Allelujah! Allelujah!
On this His Birthday praise the Lord!
Allelujah! Allelujah!

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