Developing The 21st Century Skills-Tools

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Developing the 21st century skills: Students 3.

Technological resources to plan your lessons.

1- To create Comic-books: Its a do-it-yourself comic website. You can upload
pictures, sound, rate comics, share your creations and print them. Teachers can
monitor students work. You need to create an account. Online tool. Create comics
following simple steps. You dont need an account. Online tool. To create comic strips. You dont need to register. Online
tool. You can print your work. Its a freeware to
create comics, very similar to paint. You download the program and start to work.
2-To work with images/create posters: You can make posters, design magazine covers, make maps,
calendars and more. Online tool. You can upload images from your computer and
manipulate them (change their positions, add frames, add text, etc). Online tool. You can create emojis, memes, stickers and more. Online tool.
3- To create word clouds:
4- To create infographics: You can create infographics in less than 10 minutes. You need
to register but its free. Its really easy to use, you also need to register but its free.

5- To work with videos/audio: It allows users to pick an image, record audio and upload it.
Students can add their own voices to any image they want. You need to register but
its free. Online tool. Its a freeware application you can use to record audio, mix
sounds, edit sound files and more. Its a freeware application that allows you to download
videos from different sites; such as YouTube, Dailymotion, Yahoo, etc. Once you
download the video you can convert it to any format (mp3, mp4, avi, etc). its a web page that allows
students to know museums, historic places and important buildings of our country.
With only one click students can visit places such as the Casa Rosada, Corte
Suprema, Casa de Tucumn, El Cabildo ,just to name a few.

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