September Newsletter

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Islamic Foundation of Toronto

The Language arts curriculum engages students in a range of experiences and
interactions with a variety of texts designed to help them develop increasing control
language processes, use and respond to language effectively and purposefully, and
understand why language and literacy are so central to their lives. Over the course of
year students will examine multiple units of study through Reading and Writing
workshops. Students will be given explicit instruction on reading strategies that will
them in their independent reading, and explore a variety of different writing styles
produce a number of written pieces including a short story, poetry, and persuasive essay.


The science curriculum looks at many different areas of science. It focuses on
connecting science to everyday life and to different careers, as well as how to
become good environmental stewards. We will also look more closely at doing
experiments to discover information and making lab reports. In addition to knowing
information, it is crucial to be able to communicate it effectively. To that end, there
a focus on developing scientific literacy.

will be

The study of mathematics will help students develop knowledge and understanding of mathematical concepts and
procedures. The ability to think critically and process information in other areas such as science, social studies and
language is an important effect of learning mathematics. To this end, instruction will focus on students
developing thinking skills in the 7 mathematical processes as outlined in the Ontario Mathematics
Curriculum. They are problem solving, reasoning and proving, selecting tools and computational
strategies, connecting, reflecting, communicating, and representing.
Students will investigate the contributions of Aboriginal peoples, the French and English as well as African slaves
and Americans to the shaping of Canada. Canada will be viewed in context, as a colony within
the French and British Empires. Students will investigate the economic, social, and political
challenges faced by different groups living in New France and British North America as
power shifted one group to the next.
Students will focus on processes and natural global patterns. There is also a recurring emphasis on map skills (such
as reading latitude and longitude and thematic maps) as a communication tool. As students learn about the processes
of the Earth such as plate tectonics, we will also be looking at how these processes affect and are
affected by humans.
Teaching Strategies and Remedial Classes

Enhancing strong literacy and numeracy skills are the essential foundations for all
academic achievements. Remedial classes will be held after school to aid students to
grasp topics covered in class. There will be a variety of teaching styles such as active
learning, brainstorming, cooperative/collaborative learning, exploring, multimedia,
demonstrations, research-based learning, team based learning, problem based
learning, and service learning.


Classroom Events
Environmental Stewardship Campaign
The concept of khalifa, stewardship, and amana, trust, emerge from the principle of
The Quran explains that mankind holds a privileged position among Gods creations
earth: he is chosen as khalifa, and carries the responsibility of caring for Gods
creations. Students will develop an understanding of the social, economic and
significance of environmental stewardship by creating personal definitions and by
examining the role they play as Muslim stewards. A series of activities will be held
in class
to educate students about the environment and their place in it. The course aims to
how actions can have a positive or a negative effect on our environment (both locally and globally) and thus
empower youth to take responsibility and leadership in creating and maintaining a more environmentally sustainable
way of life into adulthood.
Campaign of Care
The campaign of care will be held by the grade 7 class. It is a process of collaborative
as students learn to work as a team in all ways of life. It aims to promote positive
and individual accountability for actions. Students will be actively engaged in a variety
that will help them practice inclusion. They will demonstrate their understanding by
posters that fight signs of bullying and peer pressure.

of lessons

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