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Writing Conventions
Cohesion (tense,
Links are missing / incorrect. Often
sub-verb agr.,
confusing for reader (1)

sentences. Most referring words are

accurate. Takes some effort to follow.
All paragraphs are focused on one
Contains at least one paragraph break
idea or set of like ideas. Includes one
or weak topic sentences (2)

Sentences are mostly simple and/or


Some meaning can be construed (1)


Some correct use of sentence punct.

2 punctuated sentences (2)


Some correct links between

Correct spelling of most simple

words. (2)

compound sentences. Most simple

sentences are accurately constructed

Controlled use of cohesive devices

A range of cohesive devices used correctly & deliberately to enhance reading.

Easy to follow. (4)

supports reader understanding. Easily

read (3)
Paragraphs are focused on one idea &
all contain clear topic sentences. Each
contains reasonable elaboration (3)
Text contains at least two types of
sentences. All simple sentences and
most compound sentences are
correct (3)

Sentence level punct. most correct

Topic sentences are clear and

comprehensive. Elaboration is
effective. (3/4)

Includes simple, compound &

complex sentences. All simple and
compound sentences correctly
constructed (4)

Paragraphs accurately and effectively

constructed and are ordered and
across text (4)
Controlled and deliberate use of all
sentence types. Sentences
demonstrate variety and are
accurately constructed. Meaning is
clear (5)

All sentence level punctuation is

All basic sentence punctuation

(min of 80% of 5 sentences pun
correct. (4)
correctly) (3)
Correct spelling of most simple words

Correct spelling of
most simple words and most common
some common words (at least two)
words (at least 20) (3)
correct (2)

Writing contains accurate use of all

accurate and other punctuation
applicable punctuation (4)
attempted with 50% accuracy.
Correct spelling of all simple words &
Correct spelling of simple and
most common words. Includes at
common words. At least 10 difficult
least 2 accurately spelt difficult words
words spelt accurately (5)

Genre Specific: Persuasive


Text Structure



Orientates the reader:

Consistent informative text that
supports the reader. Easy to follow,
may have some gaps. Begins to
choose language to persuade. (3)
Sound, clearly structured Intro, body
& conclusion or two good
components and a weaker one (3)

Engages reader via deliberate

language choice and persuasive
devices. Attempts to appeal to values,
emotions, values. Easily followed by
audience (4)
Coherent controlled argument with
intro stating position, body &
conclusion (4)

Engages reader via deliberate

language choice. Sustained control of
persuasive devices and language
choices. Easily followed by audience
Coherent and controlled story with all
components effectively constructed
Detailed, supportive evidence. (5)

One idea with elaboration. Ideas

related but not elaborated (2)

Ideas with some elaboration. One

Idea well elaborated (3)

Ideas are elaborated & contribute

effectively to the writers position (4)

Ideas are generated, selected &

crafted to be highly persuasive (5)

Uses three or more instances of

persuasive devices that support the
writers position (at least two types
used effectively) Short Text (2)

At least three persuasive devices used

effectively. Appeals to readers
reason, values or emotion. (3)

Sustained and effective use of

persuasive devices. (4)

Includes a variety of highly effective

and sustained devices.

Shows some simple written content

.Very short text or longer and difficult
to follow (1)

Shows basic awareness of audience

expectations by orientating reader.
Easily read but includes gaps. (2)

One component only e.g. an

orientation or a complication only (1)

Two identifiable components or all

components present but weak (2)

Contains one idea only (1)

Statement of opinion or 1 or 2
devices e.g. I think May be confused
or contradictory. (1)

Mostly simple words


Few words and / or short script (1)

Pathos & Ethos

No pathos or ethos evident (1)

Include 2 or 3 precise words or word

groups (2)

Shows basic knowledge of applying

pathos or ethos (2)

Sustained & consistent use of precise A range of precise words used in a

Four or more precise words or word
groups (3)

words to enhance meaning (may

include some inaccurate vocab
choices) (4)

fluent articulate manner. Language

well suited to argument style and
topic choice (5)
The use of pathos or ethos
The use of pathos or ethos is evident
Pathos or ethos is evident throughout
throughout the text suits the topic
throughout the text and relevant to
the text (3)
well and appeals nicely to the
the topic (4)
audience (5)

Success Criteria:

I can explain what pathos and

ethos are

I can identify pathos and ethos in

other texts

I can self-edit my own work

I can plan my persuasive text

I can use pathos and ethos in a text


My Writing Journey:

I have completed my plan


3 Main Points

I have completed my first draft

I have had a buddy conference
o Buddy: ___________________

I have self-edited my draft


Read it out loud

Checked rubric
Used my Buddy Conference feedback
Effective topic sentences
Pathos or Ethos present?

I have had my teacher conference

o Date: ___________________

I have refined my work using all the feedback given

I have published my work
I have self-assessed and am happy with my work

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