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Construction of Coal Power

Plants in Palawan

How does Coal-fired PP produce electricity?

Coal-fired units produce electricity by burning

coal in a boiler to heat water to produce steam.

The steam, at tremendous pressure, flows into a
turbine, which spins a generator to produce

What gas is produced when coal is burned in a power station?

At the power plant, the burning of natural gas

produces nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide,

but in lower quantities than burning coal or oil.
Methane, a primary component of natural gas and a
greenhouse gas, can also be emitted into the air
when natural gas is not burned completely.

How do we use coal to generate electricity?

Coal-fired electricity generation involves burning

thermal coal (either black or brown) that has been

pulverized to a fine powder to make it easier to
burn. The heat is then used to turn water into steam,
which is used to turn a turbine connected to an
electrical generator.

Coal-fired power plants emit twice the CO2 of natural gasfired power plants

14,100 tons of acid rain-causing sulphur dioxides

every year
10,300 tons of nitrogen oxide which are harmful to
human health.
77 kilos of deadly mercury yearly
Toxic gases

Related cases:
Quezon province similar case

Short-term solution
Immediate stopping of the construction and

operation of the PP
Maximize use of other sources of energy
Conservation of energy to avoid the need of having to
put up a PP

Long-term solution
Replace Coal-fired PP into other traditional PP

Treat the harmful compounds being emitted by the
Coal-fired PP before releasing it into the atmosphere.

Clean Coal Power Plant Killed, Again. Retrieved September 23, 2015 from
MacDonald, F. Goodbye to Cockenzie power station, a cathedral to coal.
Retrieved September 24, 2015 from
Mallari Jr., D. 2015. Quezon townsfolk cry: Enough of coal power plants.
Retrieved September 24, 2015 from
Md. Sanower, H., 2014. Environmental Impact of Coal Mining. Retrieved 25
September 2015 from
Manila Bulletin. 2015. Aquino, DENR asked to stop coal-fired plant in
Palawan. Retrieved September 20, 2015 from

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