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Power Quality Improvement using

DVR with
Two Fast Vector Control
Under the guidance of
Mr.K.Rajendra, M.Tech.,
Asst. Professor, EEE Department.

Presented By

Voltage sag and swell are the common problem for
sensitive load. The impact range from load disruptions to
substantial economic losses. The DVR is the best solution to
protect the sensitive loads The dynamic voltage restorer
compensates voltage sags/swells

This paper present a fast DVR with controller to compensate

the short outage, reduced the harmonic distortion and transient
voltage for balanced and unbalanced load. In-phase method
with continues two vector control algorithm is used to detect
and compensate V and Q variables during voltage sag and
voltage compensation


What is Dynamic Voltage Restorer?

A type of FACTS device.

What is FACTS (Flexible AC Transmission

Types of FACTS devices.

Why DVR?

compensate voltage sag/swells

DVR circuit diagram

Schematic diagram of DVR

Voltage sag
Definition :
A voltage sag is a reduction in the RMS voltage in the
range of 0.1 to 0.9 p.u. for duration greater than half
a main cycle and less than 1 minute.
Causes: 1. sudden increasing in loads
2. Short circuits
3. faults

Dynamic voltage restorer

Protection of sensitive loads from sag/swell

The Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) is fast,

flexible and efficient solution to voltage sag

Voltage swell
A voltage swell is an increase in the RMS voltage in
the range of 1.1 to 1.8 p.u. for a duration greater
than half a main cycle and less than 1 minute.
Causes: 1. sudden reduction in loads.
2. energizing a large capacitor bank.
3.switching off large inductive loads.

Voltage swell wave form

Two continuous vector control


Presenting DVR is simple and efficient.

DVR Compensates Voltage Sag.

DVR Compensates Voltage Swell.

Compare to PI Controller Fuzzy Controller
Best one for getting good results.



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