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Bihar State Power (Holding) Company

(Regd Office Vidyut Bhawan Bailey Road

Letter No.


og - ol-AoiS-

Pratyaya Amrit, IAS

Chairman-cum-Managang Director




The Chairman-cum-Managing Director'

Power Finance Corporation Ltd., New Delhi

Regarding Extension ot the Timelines for RAPDRP Part-A lT

lmplementation in identified 7l towns ol Bihar State'


The MPDRP Part-A lT project for Bihar was sanctioned by MOP/PFC on

project has exp'red on
9.'12.2009. The five year timetines specified to complete the

poor progress' lTlA M/s

8.12.2014 for conversion of loan into grant. Earlier due to the
Spanco Ltd was terminated on O9iO1/2013 and new lTlA M/s Reliance lnfrastructure
Ltd was appointed on 01lOOl2O13

The project is stitl under implementation and as per schedule of current lTlA'

M/s Reliance lnfrastructure, the time overrun will be beyond five year period'

The delay in lT lmplementation is largely attributable to the nonperformance of

earlier lTlA. Virtually the implementation of the project started only on 01/6/2013' The
restart of the project implementation caused a loss of about 31 months of
imptementalion time from the date of initial award of contract to the terminated lTlA
The progress of M/s Reliance lnfrastructure Ltd. has also been slow and only
after rigorous reviews and escalations at different levels and interventions of
PFC/MOP, it has been possible to reach a stage of declaring "Go-Live" of two Pilot
Towns, Fatuha & Hazipur, with limitations, as of now This milestone is a significant
stage that gives us hope of speedier pace for implementation in other towns.
The full scale implementation of RAPDRP Part-A in minimum possible time is
very crucial for achieving the loss reduction and revenue maximization. ln vew o[ our
own assessment. we feel we would need an extension upto 3111212015 and therefore
it is requested to give extension upto 31/'1212015 for complete proJect implementation.
We hope that you would appreciate the delays have been beyond the control of
the utility and the extension will provide justitiable relref
\titity for the loss of


iaya Amrit)

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