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Explorers Summative

Dear Explorers and Discoverers,

Your job is to take on the role of an explorer or discoverer. Bring that person to life by sharing their experiences with others in a living museum! In order for this
to happen you will need to:

Research about your chosen person and take notes

Organize your information into a speech
Practice your speech
Present your findings to others. This should be in how you present the information and how you dress.

We will be working on this in class; however, your props for the museum day should be prepared at home. On Friday October 9th, come prepared to dazzle
and bring your explorer or discoverer to life!
Your presentation must include the following:

Demonstrate knowledge about a historical


Key: Causation and Perspective
Related: Exploration, Impact, and

Research and Self-Management Skills

I have shown basic knowledge of:
What they explored or discovered
What their motivation was
What tools they used
Where they explored
When they lived and explored
I have identified:
The impact of their discovery or exploration
At least 2 perspectives of people involved

I have:
Written questions that can be answered
Identified information that is relevant to my
Sorted and categorized my information into
understandable forms

I have shown extensive knowledge of:
What they explored or discovered
What their motivation was
What tools they used
Where they explored
When they lived and explored
I have identified:
The impact of their discovery or exploration
across time
The motivations for their discovery or
More than 2 perspectives of people
I have:
Written questions that can be answered,
and that will help me find more information
than is required
Identified information that is relevant to my
questions from various sources
Sorted and categorized my information into
understandable forms

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