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The Engineering: Bizarre business in India

It was 1990, one used feel proud that he/she achieved remarkable milestone in his
life. Getting a professional degree was really an achievement. Parents, society and
friends every used to celebrate because you were rare species then. But now things
have changed. Currently India is producing more than 1 million engineers in a year.
And strange thing is less than 20 % engineers are employable.
The education factories opened by government with an aim to improve professional
education in India are acting against their objectives. Engineering college became a
moreover business and jobless engineer became a sufferer. Does government ever
thought they can provide an opportunities equal to number of graduates, never
because they were never interested in that. Unfortunately the victims are students,
parents and ultimately the society. You are fooling society by giving zero quality
engineers. We can never serve a society if we are not creating a skillful engineer. In
fact its our faulty education system that allows anyone irrespective of his interest,
his IQ and his awareness about technology to become an engineer. Since the
system already made provision of enough seats, now everyone can became an
engineer. I hope government is doing great, helping eager aspirants to pursue their
dream. But at last the end result is unskillful, jobless engineer is passing out with
degree in hand but empty mind.
Its a sorrowful situation when I see people pursuing engineering and end up with
working in BPO. Do person really need a technical degree to work with BPOs or
make someones excel or powerpoint. This situation depicts only two conclusions.
Either everyone is our country is very talented thats why only engineer are left to
work with BPOs or the quality of engineering student passing out from this country
has only achieved a skill which is best suitable for BPO jobs.
I strongly believe its not your skill or will but the situation is such that we are forced
to do that. Our educational system should really think beyond memory based
assessment. Skill based assessment is best criteria to attract passionate talent to
the field of engineering. Reduce the quality of engineering colleges so that system
can work more on quality than quantity. Finally it comes an individual before taking
any hasty decision just because of shear pressure from parents and society, find out
what is your inclination and pursue that.

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