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China Religions

Buddhism - Buddhism spread from India to China some 2,000 years

ago. Chinese Buddhism may be classified according to languages into three
communities: Mandarin, Tibetan and Bali. Most of the Mandarin Buddhist
believers are Han Chinese while Tibetan Buddhist believers are people of
the Tibetan,Mongolian, Uygur, Lhoba, Moinba and Tujia nationalities, and
Bali Buddhist believers are people of the Dai and Bulang ethnic groups that
mainly live in Yunnan Province.

Christianity -

Catholicism and other forms of Christianity began to

make their way into China very early. In 635, a missionary of the Nestorian
sect came to China from Persia, the then called JING. The religion withered
long before gaining a strong foothold in China. It was after the Sino-British
Opium War in 1840 that the Christian developed rapidly in China .

Islam -

Islam spread from the Arab Countries to China more than 1,300

years ago. It now has more than 14 million believers among the Hui,
Uygur, Kazak, Ozbeck, Tajik, Tatar, Kirgiz, Dongxiang Sala and Banan
ethnic groups. The Islamic followers mainly live in Provinces of Xiajiang,
Ningxia, Ganxu and Qinghai in northwest China. There are also Islamic
communities scattered in almost every city.

China Geography

Located in Southeast Asia along the coastline of the Pacific

Ocean, China is the world's third largest country, after Russia and
Canada. With an area of 9.6 million square kilometers and a
coastline of 18,000 kilometers, its shape on the map is like a
The vast land expanses of China include plateaus, plains, basins,
foothills, and mountains. Defining rugged plateaus, foothills and
mountains as mountainous, they occupy nearly two-thirds of the
land, higher in the West and lower in the East like a three-step
Although the physical features are as described, people tend to
divide China into four regions, that is, the North, South,
Northwest and the Qinghai-Tibetan areas. Because of
geographical differences, residents of each region have distinctive
lifestyles and customs.

China Education
China education is the largest education system in the world.
There were 9.42 million students taking the Chinas National
Higher Education Entrance Examination on June 2015. The higher
education sector has growth as well. China has increased the
proportion of its college-age population in higher education to
over 20% now from 1.4% in 1978. At the same time, China is
improving the quality of education through a major effect at
school curriculum reform.

China has a long history of providing education to international

students studying in high schools and universities. International
students have enrolled in over 775 higher education institutions
throughout the country. Over the past few years, the number of
international students who study abroad in China has significantly
increased every year.
China has a consistent teacher development system. teaching
has historically been and remains today a highly respected
profession in China. Teachers have strong preparation in their
subject matter and prospective teachers spend a great deal of
time observing the classrooms of experienced teachers, of in
schools attached to their universities. Once teachers are
employed in school, there is a system of induction and
continuous professional development in which groups of teachers
work with master teachers on lesson plans and improvement.

China Foods
As a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine
culture is deep rooted in China's history.As a visitor or in a
restaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the
distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the
enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits.It is really
an admirable custom to respect others at the table, including the
aged, teachers and guests while taking good care of children .

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