Engl1301 Rhetoricalanalysispaperformat

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Rhetorical Analysis Paper Format

(Pages 91-93 in First-Year Writing: Writing for the Disciplines)

Rhetorical Analysis:
Articulate your own insights about how a text seeks to influence a reader.
Communicate those critical insights with other readers.
Rhetorical Analysis Outline: This is a possible, not required, format.
Brief summary of text
Contextual information about text
Thesis Statement
Body Paragraph 1:
Discuss a specific rhetorical choice that produces a rhetorical effect.
Provide specific textual evidence to back up your point and analyze the choice.
Body Paragraph 2:
Discuss a specific rhetorical choice that produces a rhetorical effect.
Provide specific textual evidence to back up your point and analyze the choice.
Body Paragraph 3:
Discuss a specific rhetorical choice that produces a rhetorical effect.
Provide specific textual evidence to back up your point and analyze the choice.
Why the new understanding that your paper presents is important?
Why the insights of your analysis are significant to other readers?
For class on Monday (October 12), please bring a written outline that states your audience and
purpose, the rhetorical choice you will discuss in each of your body paragraphs (you can discuss
a rhetorical choice in more than one body paragraph), and a sentence or two of what you think
you will discuss in your conclusion.

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