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fos 23.020.10 Descriptors: comme bas hoen asad throughout as the decimat master, Bienens‘ons in rae 1 Scone and field of application This standaid species dinenslans tor cc's finished, seamless precision steel tubes acid is to be used in can: junction sith OIN 2391 Part 2. w2ich states the eelevard echnical delWvery conditions. Twe prelerred sizes Usted ia {able 2 are mainly used in mechanical and aviomative en aieeering, Where steel tubes 03 #imensions spaced in tnis siancars _are (0 comply with the technical delivery conditions fisted in subtfause 1.2 of DIN 2391 Part 2, they sail be ordered in quality grade 2 Dimenstons The tube diameter is subject to the limit caxi ‘fled te taba 2 Hone of the Het deviations & ta be zera, this shail be steted In tha order, @-9. stead of 1952.25) mm. elinar 665°9* fen oF (55,24) mm. Table t: Lienit deviations far the dlamat of heat treated tubes Wan tickness Limi destatons for 0.05: 0 ana above ‘Above 0.05. D up 19 ngs. D Above 0,025 D Seamless precision steel tubes Dimensions Tube, stset tubs, precision tube, dimensions, Nahtlose Prdzislonsstatirotse mit besunderar Matgeriav gkeit: Mase {4 keeping with currant practice in standards putlishea hy the internaticnal Organivation for Standardizat'on @SO} a tember 1994 Supersedes July 1984 edition The scnll deviallons far giameters given in tadte ? allow for avalily and apply (or he cold fnlshed (hard) (BKI and cold ‘ioished «sah 1BKW) conditions. For haat weated tubes, i.e. Cold finished and stress-ralict ‘annealed (GKS), arweales (GOK) of nacmahzed (NOK) Aubes, the lint deviations for tne diameter increase at 3 dutction of the wa Wicknass/diameier railo (see table 1) ‘The dimensions given in tabfe 1 aiso apply to the inside ameter of steel tub ta the case ef intermediate sizes. the fargest size shall apply. “The frit deviations for wall thickriess shall be 410% of He ‘ominat size and Include the concartvcity tolerance, whieh is cakulated as a perceataye using tha folowing toumnula dattons tar the next Tayy {5 the forgest wall tweckness measured of a tube crass sectlan; the smallest wall thickness measured of 3 tube crass section, 3 ute gene'ally ofdered fn torms ot outside diameter Where ihe wall thickness Js of significance, ne tubes ray alsa be ordered interme of curside diameter and wall thick hess 0 inside diamele: and wall thickness. Ini ease, Me lint deviations specitied here eater onhy lo Ino of Ouee ussible parameters, the deviations forthe traré being sub jet! 10 agreement, Such tubes shall be ordered In qualily grade ©. Contmued on pages 2 t0 6 Page? Oth 2991 Part 1 3. Designation Odsignation of a seamless precision steet tube, made of St 35 steel, with an outside diameter, D. of 100 mm and an inside diameter, D,, of 94 mm (10 94), rormalized (EK): : ‘Tube DIN 2391 - St 35 NBK 100% ID 94 Basignation of seamless precision steel tube, mada of St 35 stael, with an outside diamatar, D. of 160mm anc a wall thickness, 7, of 3 mmm, sormalized «NEK): Tube Din 2391 ~ St.35 NBK 100x3 ‘Dasignation of seamless precision steot tube, made of St25 steet, with an inside diameter, D,, of 94 mm (10 94} and 3 walt thickness, 7, of 3mm, normalized NE): Tube DIN 2391 ~ St.35 NBK ID 94x 3. Designation of soamiess precision stoe! {ube, cnade of $135.8 steal. quality grade C, with an outside diameter. D, of 25 rum and a wat thickness, T, of 1.5mm. normalized (NBK]. complying with the technical delivery conditions specified In OWN 17175 Tube DIN 2391-25 x 1,5 — DIN 17175 - St 35.8 aside dlamoter, D, Inarninat stze end limit deviations) = atcus] 2¢2 ats] cao] se20s9 440s] sates] stars! ae 0, stars] aatqis| caer! a 2dr] s¢0rs| 26203] 24.015 448015] stqis| carers] e2ats| actais| 22009 vats] 4709) e208] sts] aun] exon oe [reaaul saeul secant asa $f ee es 43035 aaa Gre) sass rag + aoe] 19.8 008 124045 v6 045] 01 + as} ed + rs] s40is rsa acu] 15:2 ee teas tas 045} 22. 036]aes as] 22005] 3 015] 103 085 te: one | 35-2065] 152 15 [tee 2 01s] 42 15] 123 ats 12045] 28 2 gon] 17 + ose 102600 [175 + on sr sas] ine sous] usa oss| isaaastre eons! 21 sen 90m }iec sos} iracis| is asf ters 25 20 01s] 015} 202 015 prs 01s secontinuedt «[+[ PELE Inside diameter, D, frorn nat size ant tn Far the sizes given between the con liowous thick steppe thicknassioutside aiameier ratio is iA davia Fons} (0m 2991 Pace 1 Bimensions ie wun Table 2 (concluded) Inside diameter, 0, Irominal size and lit deviations) 242055] aatois |restess Jbtors {stats tots fata seen: [sess] re 10415] serous [sacra x04] 4 saanzn| casual zeny] waza] ecsun| ace] rier) sisaens| waaay “EE fees trexo70} 232070 esasa 2.4074 saenfanann sn7 4070 } w22ea0 OWN 2991 Part Pages Dimensions ia men Oise Inside dlameter, D, ion frumninat size and lim!l deviations om at qis| zon 124025 2 naan rans 154085 s 23005 res n19f «84015} FA wrens] rzars| 204085) 2 aeons taza] 22030) “ sone) ‘nox 252020) 4s waz 202] as033] 313025] or) ees ewe Ne03s| T2036] wet8: at wera] 15290: 1200 M200] 12900) e200] o20K naan) soul 04a] 742040| 2640 045] 204 srods| trees] e045) 4208 TAQ] 50206 est o4 B12005| 1640.6) sass wr08%| ev44az0{rr2+ a70)009 +034) r2ae034 rzasozot ars ard} 2aze| 292000] rasoag| neta. ers 009] 204 a1 jeasaso| es 40] lasso iaes0my isesin 6+60 case fees taes2 [ieoeea | rseta] moe 12) 810 jevta2 [sioeea uosne sf ons nso fom fra ce fees onsta ia faa fel wai ova fran fia fez sta aces ows fonsa fovaa faa [reefs tT-0026- 0 tT-005 -D Peges IN 2901 Part t Standard’ referred to O18 2984 Part2 Seamless precision steel tubes; technical delivery conditions (01917175 Seamless tuber with elovated temperature propartat; technical dettvery cenditions - * Previous editions (01ry 2996: 1999-12; ON 2985- 1981-07. Amendments In-compartson with the July 1984 edition, this standard hes besn restructured and the follawing amendments mae: {a} The limit devlationa for wall thickness have bean amended {£10%). They now Include the tolerance an concentricity 1b] The spacifiag mit deviations onty rofer 1a two a! three possibla parameters, limit deviations for the thicd parameter boing subject to eqeeement fel. clause 2p o} In table 2, mit deviations of 2 0.04 run for the outside diameter have been spettied for sizes up ta 30 mm, the Hit

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