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Hematopoietic Agents

Problem-based Solving

Seorang ibu hamil 3 bulan datang ke praktek Anda

dengan keluhan pening dan muntah. Os mengatakan
bahwa pada kehamilan pertama ini, ia merasakan
pening pertama sekali sebulan yang lalu. Pada
pemeriksaan fisik TD 110/80 mmHg, tempaeratur
36,8C, frekuensi pernafasan 29x/menit, denyut nadi
90 x/menit. Pemeriksaan darah diperoleh Hb. 10.00 gr
1. Apa yang menyebabkanrasa pening pada ibu ini ?
2. Mengapa terjadi kekurangan pada Hb (10.00 gr%)
pada ibu ini ?
3. Bagaimana cara penangannya ?
4. Apa saran Anda ?

Hematopoeisis and Hematopoietic Growth Factor

Ep, erytropeitin; G-CSF, Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; GM-CSF, granulocytemacrophage colony stimulating factor; IL, interleukin; SCF; stem cell factor; Tpo

Blood vessels and the blood cells

Causes of Anemia

Low Reticulocyte count

(Hypoproliferative anemia) : Bone
marrow is not making sufficient RBC

High Reticulocyte Count : Hemolytic

anemia, increased destruction of RBC
despite increased production

Iron Metabolism

Iron Absorption by Gastrointestinal Epithelial Cell

Structures of Folic Acid and Vitamine B12

Biochemical Reactions involving

Folic Acid and Vitamine B12

The Role of Endogenous Hematopoietic

Growth Factors in Blood Cell Differentiation

GM-CSF = glanulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor


= Stem cell factor

Stimulation of Erythropoeitin (Epo)

Synthesis by Hypoxia

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