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The Ten Demandments

1. We shall have daily meetings - There will be one meeting in the morning (to
discuss what we want to accomplish that day) and one in the evening (to discuss what we
did that day and what we need to do).
2. During the meetings people can express their concerns for the task they are in
charge of (Food/Drink, Shelter, etc.) and the tasks that others are doing (Food/Drink,
Shelter, etc.). If an idea is suggested, the group will vote on the matter. After the vote, the
majority rules.
3. We shall stay in contact with the rest group throughout the day, and try to
communicate with each other between the meetings in the morning and evening. There
will be no wandering off without notifying the group.
4. The leaders of the designated areas are in charge of rationing their supplies for
their task. However, everyone should preserve the island as best they can (In other words,
dont waste resources).
5. If you have made something yourself (with your own materials) or something has
been designated as yours, no one can take it without your permission.
6. You must strive to do what is best for the group, in order to ensure everyones
7. You cannot physically harm any member of the island.
8. If you break any of these rules, the rest of the group decides the severity of the
punishment. However this punishment must obey the rules of the island. Punishments can
range from community service to not being allowed to participate in group activities
(group projects and meetings).
9. The group will decide during meetings on days in which we will work together on
group projects and what the group projects will be.
10. These are the basic rights guaranteed to members of the island (The Bill of
a. Freedom of expression
b. Freedom of religion
c. Freedom of self-interest
d. Freedom to leave the island on your own terms
e. Freedom of life
f. Freedom of liberty
g. Freedom to the pursuit of happiness

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