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1)design a BST with CERNER as an input.

2) Design and implement checkers game using oops concept

3) design a class that will be used to store the information of the patients visiting to
the hospital., i.e. a class which stores demographic information of a person like
name, address, phone number, male/female. What if the person has any prefix to
the name, multiple phone numbers/addresses, how will you handle job in case of
multiple locations
(If a person is both at 12 PM in USA on a date, then that date is different from date
in India), how will you handle the validations of these fields when the user enters
the values using java
4) create a class with object that tells a nurse the frequency of medicine that a
patient must take, i.e. a system to tell patients when to take medication using java
5) design a class (give different methods and variables that will be used) that will
provide information about the allergy of a patient.
e.g. who reported the allergy(patient/doctor/relative), different symptoms of the
allergy that are detected, severity, method that returns when was that
allergy detected in that patient. Along with info about disease if it is not allergy, and
can be updated easily, how would you record the time of the disease report using
6) Design a class allergies that has severity, also a class patient with information about the
person, allergy, and the person who reported the allergy"
7) Design a class called temperature, temperatures can fluctuate per person by +-1 degree high
temperatures can be a sign of a fever which can be a sign of infection. A persons fever range
can also fluctuate by +-1 degree. Temperatures can also be measured in Celsius, Fahrenheit
and if your serious about temperatures Kelvin as well. Design a class called temperature
8) Design a linked list for CERNER
9) Implement a class for patients visiting the hospital. Use a list for the fist name and last name.
Address, telno also lists as they can be more than one
10) Implement a class Allergy where there would be a reporter, symptoms and severity of each
symptom (make a list for this as the symptoms can be added or deleted)

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