2111 Physical Development Revised 1

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Running head: EDPR 2111

Title 2111 Physical Development

Alzada-Rose Vanarsdale
The University of Memphis


My Gap
1. Body Image
Windsor, D.L., Murrell, V. S., & Magun-Jackson, S. (2015). Lifespan development: An
educational psychology perspective, Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.
1. Windsor, Murrel & Magun-Jackson states that people have an idea of what body
image is (2015).
2. Adolescent Development
3. Simply put, girls hit this adolescent growth spurt about two years before boys
but this can vary widely among individuals (Magun-Jackson, 24)
1. Appearance
1. People also have a sense of their actual physical appearance, which includes how
they sexually feel. The importance here is the closer peoples ideal body image is
with their actual image the less likely they are to have a psychological problems
(Windsor, Murrel & Magun-Jackson, 2015).
2. Secular Trend: The secular trend refers to the average age of puberty decreasing
over time. Since the 1900s in the United States, puberty seems to have occurred
about 4 months earlier with each passing decade ( Fraser-Thill, 2015)
Puberty: is the beginning of adolescence and the most significant physical change
that occurs (Windsor, Murrel & Magun-Jackson, 2015)


3. Body image has other effects on adolescents. This may include how they make
friends, which can make their lives more enjoyable (Windsor, Murrel & MagunJackson, 2015)
4. Social Identity Theory of framework for understanding the effects of exposure to
positive media images of self and other intergroup changes
1. Growing up I always felt left out. My teeth were the main focal point. My gap was huge
for my body size in elementary. The other kids would always as, Can you stick a pencil
in it? As I normally would do, Id attempt to stick the pencil in there. Naive I was, but
Ive learned to embrace it. Out of all the things Ive stuck into my gap, the necklace was
the worst. It took forever to get out. It took some time for me to accept my gap. I tried to
get rid of it but I learned to embrace it. My gap is a part of me and it makes me who I am
today. I wouldnt be Alzada without the gap.
1. Adolesent Development
1. Somatic
2. Somatic development relates to my story on the account of gaps falls into the
section on body image.
3. As a baby your teeth does not grow as rapidly as they do as a developing child.
4. Teeth are essential to life and the process of them growing in is inevitable.


Fraser-Thill, Rebecca. (2015). Definition of Secular Trend. http://tweenparenting.about.com/
McKinley, C. J., Mastro, D., & Warber, K. M. (2014). Social identity theory as a framework for
understanding the effects of exposure to positive media images of self and other on
intergroup outcomes. International Journal Of Communication (Online), 1049.
Windsor, D.L., Murrell, V. S., & Magun-Jackson, S. (2015). Lifespan development: An
educational psychology perspective, Boston, MA: Pearson Learning Solutions.

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