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Eighth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, May / June 08
Advanced Algorithms

Time: 3 hrs. Max. Marks:100

Note : Answer any FIVE full questions.
1 a. Explain different methods of solving recurrence relation. ( 10 Marks)
b. Discuss the aggregate analysis method for amortized analysis method. (10 Marks)
2 a. Write the state transition diagram for string matching automation that accepts all strings
ending in string ababaca. Write down the corresponding transition function and pattern
P = ababaca and operation of automation on text T = abababacaba. ( 10 Marks)
b. Write pseudo code for transition function. ( 05 Marks)
c. Explain Chinese remainder theorem. ( 05 Marks)
3 a. Define finite groups and Abelian group. Prove that the system (z,,, + n) is Abelian Group.
Also show that (Z6, + 6) is Abelian Group. ( 12 Marks)
b. Explain with pseudo code the concept of modular exponentiation. ( 08 Marks)
4 a. Discuss efficient polynomial multiplication process by means of figure. ( 08 Marks)
b. What is prefix code? Show that constructing optimal prefix code has optimal substructure
( 07 Marks)

c. Construct Huffman code tree for the following . ( 05 Marks)

0.4 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.10
5 a. Explain Directed acyclic graph with example. Write the pseudo code to find the shortest
path and solve the following problem. ( 10 Marks)

b. Explain Flow networks. Given f flow in a flow network G with source s and sink t, and let
(S,T) be a cut of G, then prove that net flow across (S,T) = ifI . (10 Marks)
6 a. Discuss by means of diagrams the polynomial time reduction from one language to another
through reduction function. ( 10 Marks)
b. Explain Approximate Vertex Cover with neat diagrams. Explain its operation through
( 10 Marks)
7 a. Describe the Carry Look ahead addition and prefix computation. ( 10 Marks)
b. List and discuss at least four major constraints to be taken care of while designing a
parallel algorithm. ( 10 Marks)
8 Write short notes on:

a. Robin Karp algorithm

b. Integer factorization
c. Bellman Ford Algorithm
d. Sum of subset problem. ( 20 Marks)

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