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ROOM 1094
Contact Info: Email Phone #902-462-8401 EXT 7161096
Overview of Course:
The Math 9 curriculum is divided into five units of study; each of these has specific outcomes,
which are required to be met by the end of the year. Outlined below are the units of study (not
necessarily in the order they will be covered), these serve to build upon the outcomes that are
met by the end of Grade 8.
Math 9 Units to be covered:
Unit 1: Number Sense
Demonstrate number sense and apply number theory concepts
Unit 2: Patterns and
Explore, recognize, represent, and apply patterns and
Relations (P)
Unit 3: Me asurement
Demonstrate an understanding and apply concepts of
Unit 4: Geometry (G)
Apply geometric concepts, properties, and relationships
Unit 5: Statistics and
Represent and solve problems involving uncertainty ; Solve
Probability (SP)
problems involving the collection, display, and analysis of data
**Please refer to class website for each units list of specific outcomes to be covered.
Also, unit percentages may change as warranted, students/parents will be advised of
any changes**
Final Assessment:

90% Course work

Final Exam

Course evaluation will be based on an outcomes based approach of assessing student progress,
both summative and formative, in terms of the outcomes covered in each unit. Evaluation of
outcomes in each unit may include in-class assignments, quizzes/tests, mental math, interactive
math notebook, reflective/journal activities and presentations. Outcomes will be assessed several
times to provide students with multiple opportunities to demonstrate achievement.
In Class Assignments (ICA)
Students will complete in-class assignments several times weekly. These assignments will be
based on a few questions coming directly out of class examples and starters. These are the core
of the class; if anything, all unit tests and quiz questions will come directly from these ICAs!
Success in this class comes from continuous effort, attempt, and completion.
Quizzes Open Book (No Sharing of Notes)
Periodically, throughout a unit, you will be given a unit-test like assessment that covers several
key points within a particular unit. Like an ICA, there are several key concepts that you need to
be able to do. Again, only your Interactive Math Notebook and personal ICAs can be used; you
cannot share notes.
Unit Tests Closed Book (with Study Sheet; 1 Page 8.5x11 Double-Sided)
The unit test will come from in-class assignments and work; be sure to listen carefully because
there will be no surprises or trick questions. To prepare, look at previous ICAs, quizzes,
Interactive Math Notebook and class notes available on Moodle!
Required Materials:
Binder with loose leaf


Composition Notebook/Scribbler (min. 80 pages) for Interactive Math Notebook
Scientific Calculator; NO PHONES PERMITTED!
Geometry Set (if possible)
A key component of daily classroom practice will be:
Interactive Math Notebook: This year you will be creating and using an interactive math
notebook; this will include notes, methods and examples for specific math outcomes we will
cover in class. Your notebook will be helpful for organizing the information you are given during
instruction and using it as a reference when completing class activities. Your notebook needs to
be with you daily (an area in class will be provided for you to store your notebooks). Your
notebook will also be a reference that can be used during formative and summative
General Classroom Expectations and Student Responsibilities:
Regular attendance is the key to SUCCESS! If you are going to be away from school for an
extended period of time please notify me as soon as possible! If you miss a quiz, presentation or
other in-class work, you will be expected to complete the missed component on the first day you
return to class. Students are responsible for getting the work they missed when they return (all
class notes, assignments, homework). Please see my website and Moodle as I will be
updating it daily and you can obtain any missing notes and assignments from home.
Extra help will be available at lunch hour on Tuesdays and Wednesday or alternative
times by request. It is your responsibility as a student to ensure that you are attending extra
help or requesting support when it is needed. It is always best practice to clarify your
understanding of a topic as soon as you find yourself having difficulty.
To best understand the material you are learning in class a sufficient amount of time must be
spent doing assigned homework and reviewing class notes. Students are encouraged to
spend between 15-30 minutes each week night to review class materials covered that
Cell phones are not to be used during class time. If a student is using their cell phone
during class, it will be taken. NO EXCEPTIONS/NO WARNINGS! If this behaviour continues,
contact will be made to home and administration and consequences determined.
Creating a Positive Learning Environment:
To maximize the opportunities for success it is important:
To be on time and prepared with the necessary materials and text
To display proper classroom behaviour and participate positively in classroom activities
To complete all assigned homework and expect periodic assessments
To continuously review covered materials in preparation for assessments
To assume full responsibility for any or all missed class work or assessments
To attend offered or available extra help sessions when needed
Students are expected to uphold the classroom expectations and student
responsibilities that are discussed at the beginning of the year. These will ensure we
have a safe and positive environment to learn in and have some fun throughout the

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