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166 Sunbury Drive, Richmond Hill GA, 31324

PHONE: (912)-312-6140
Instructional Systems Specialist: School Improvement
Job Announcement Number: 15-089-OK-GC-1496603

South Carolina/ Ft. Stewart/ DoDDS Cuba School District
Continuous School Improvement Instructional Systems Specialist
AD-1750-10, Schedule 10 Grade 10
This is a Federal Position


January 2015 - Present
Hours per Week: 40

I am currently working in DDESS as a Continuous School Improvement Instructional Systems Specialist in the South
Carolina/ Ft. Stewart/ DoDDS Cuba School District. I have had the opportunity to successfully guide two of our district
schools through the final round of DoDEA School Level Accreditation. Additionally, I had the privilege of serving on
an AdvancED team and accredited a neighboring district school through a team approach with two AdvancED
personnel and one DDESS colleague. Simultaneously, I have been engaged in course work in preparation for a systemwide shift to District Accreditation in the next school year. Due to these major shifts in practice, I have offered various
professional development across our four installations with a focus on continuous school improvement themes: 21st
Century Teaching and Learning in a Continuous School Improvement Environment, Digital Learning Environments
That are Student-Centric (in coordination with the ELEOT rating tool), Required Actions: Where Have We Been and
Where Are We Going?, and CCRSM Implementation and School Improvement Unite. I have also worked
collaboratively with our district data analyst to provide on-site support to our schools in the maintenance of their
comprehensive assessment system through our district wide data tracker program. Together we have trained and
empowered teachers to collect and analyze their data and make appropriate changes in their instructional practices based
on identified outcomes. Our district also has a strong focus on program monitoring to enhance the improvement efforts
in each building. As a part of this monitoring team, I have had multiple opportunities to visit classrooms and report
trend data on student learning environments as related to district and school-based improvement goals. These program
monitoring opportunities allow me to shape my professional development offerings to meet the differentiated needs of
my schools. I have planned and implemented full scale leadership meetings and follow-up management virtual
presence opportunity that brought together administrators from all four installations to further their understanding of our
district goals, accreditation outcomes, CCRSM knowledge base, and a preview of future leadership opportunities.
Working collaboratively with my district superintendent and ISS team, we have implemented our book study: Good
Leaders Ask Great Questions. I researched, organized, and modeled the format for collaborative discussion within
DoDEAs new Schoology system. This has proven to be an engaging method of two-way conversation with the leaders
in our district that can now be used in future professional development and also for cross-district collaborative planning.
Collaboratively, our ISS team created an instructional toolkit equipped with proven best-practices and packaged
professional development opportunities that schools can reference as they plan out their professional development
calendar for the next school year. This toolkit is housed in Schoology and includes a range of topics to meet the diverse
needs of our schools as they are in different parts of the continuous school improvement cycle. Currently, I am
finalizing our district schools End of Year Status Reports and utilizing the data to prepare focus areas for my districtwide monthly CSI team professional learning community.
Interim Assistant Principal Vogelweh Elementary School
This is a Federal Position

December 2014 January 2015
Hours per Week: 40

Due to a vacancy at Vogelweh Elementary school (900+ students; prek-5), the Kaiserslautern Superintendent asked me
to directly support the school as an interim assistant principal during the transition to hire an additional AP. I had the
opportunity to directly impact curriculum, instruction, and assessment through grade level PLT meetings, data teams,

embedded professional development, and model lesson opportunities. I bridged the home school partnership between
military parents and students to ensure positive interaction and transparent communication. Additionally, I had a direct
hand in child supervision and safety while implementing problem solving techniques to minimize behavioral
distractions. Collaborative efforts between myself, the principal, and assistant principal were team-oriented and focused
on the school mission and community strategic plan.
Instructional Systems Specialist for Secondary Mathematics (4th-12th Grade)
Series: 1750; Pay Plan: TP; Grade: OM12
This is a Federal Position

August 2010 January 2015
Hours per Week: 40

As an Instructional Systems Specialist for Mathematics over the last four years, I have had the opportunity to lead
administrators and teachers in elementary, middle, and high school settings. I have provided schools with individualized
support plans based on system wide data, specific school data trends, required actions and accreditation reports, as well
as from my own field experience and interactions. As a curriculum specialist, I work as a servant leader to accomplish
overall DoDEA goals defined in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). In addition, I assisted in creating measurable
action plans for the goals specific schools have set out to achieve according to their Continuous School Improvement
(CSI) profiles. I have supported district-wide change by training principals and teachers in a variety of professional
development that shapes the progress of their CSI goals and strategies: Common Assessment and Data Collection
through ExamView, Exemplars and Their Use in the Classroom, and Initiating Department Data Teams are just a
few of the professional sessions I have provided during administrator and mathematics department meetings. The CSP
and CSI goals encompass much of the work I do for schools, administrators, teachers, and students. However, the oneon-one time I spend with principals and teachers has allowed me to monitor best practices, assess the effectiveness of
school and district programs, and review and examine the successful implementation of standards. This on-the-ground
approach has allowed me to predict the needs of schools and offer job-embedded professional development. For
example, over the last four years, I have participated in multiple pre-quality assurance review teams and while working
in a collaborative team of district leaders, have provided constructive feedback to schools preparing for an AdvancED
visit. I believe in the power of a grass roots movement and have planted seeds in all the schools I have interacted with. I
have created standards-based curriculum maps for mathematics grades 3-12 which have not only been a positive change
factor for the entire Kaiserslautern District, but these curricular maps are being utilized across Europe and in the Pacific
and DDESS schools as well. Within schools, these curricular maps have allowed for a common scope and sequence
which in turn inspired collaborative efforts among the teachers in common schools and across campuses throughout our
district. Additionally, I have worked hand-in-hand with school-level professional learning teams through the creation of
district-wide and school-based common standards-based formative assessments at each grade level. This common
assessment program allowed for a collaborative environment that lent itself to the development of data teams in which
teachers review and reflect upon the formative assessment results and make immediate changes to their instruction. Not
only do data teams take place at the teachers level, but I lead principals in the analysis of common assessment data and
recommend action plans that would impact the entire school/grade levels achievement results. This cycle has caught
fire across the entire Kaiserslautern District due to my direct leadership and interaction with principals and teachers. In
the last four years, the Kaiserslautern District's Median National Percentile for mathematics has consistently increased.
We currently have 8% of students in the bottom quarter and 72% of students in the top two quarters. The increases we
have seen in the last four years are trending in a positive direction and I believe the curricular support and improvement
efforts I have provided are a key factor in the district wide achievement growth. I have created a sense of excited
urgency in our schools by demonstrating innovative best-practices through a leadership style that is honest, cooperative,
and diligent.
District Numeracy Coach (Kindergarten-5th Grade)

July 2009 - June 2010
Hours per Week: 40

The job of Numeracy Coach had a variety of responsibilities ranging from school-based coaching to district- level
curriculum development and implementation. First and foremost, I provided school and classroom support that was
based on adult learning, development, and change theories. This support was accomplished through one-on-one
discussions with principals and teachers which centered on guided research-based instructional practices and site-based
professional development supporting individual school growth plans according to the districts mission and goals.
Additionally, at the conclusion of each quarter, I supported principals by supervising groups of teachers based on

benchmark data results. The districts standards-based benchmark program and data management system allowed me to
gather standards-based data on individual schools, teachers, and students for a given time period and set of standards. I
could then zero in on strengths and weaknesses throughout the schools I served and provide services that were specific
to a school and teachers immediate need. This leadership practice allowed me to create success plans with principals
and in turn coach teachers in best practices that would ensure the proper re-teaching of standards not mastered by
specific subgroups of students. Furthermore, I supported principals throughout the year by implementing and
maintaining professional learning communities (PLC) that were both district wide and school based. My main focus in
these PLC meetings was to raise the conceptual understanding of mathematics in all teacher participants. These
meetings were structured to be as collaborative as possible allowing my leadership role to take center stage when
necessary, but to also encourage and inspire teachers to put their own pedagogy into the spotlight. Our discussions
focused on standards-based instruction, analysis of student work, development of common assessments, differentiation
strategies, and the development of teacher/student rubrics that reflect higher order thinking skills. The PLCs were
designed to be safe and welcoming, which built comfortable bonds between myself and the teachers I served. I led data
team discussions with principals to analyze benchmark and local assessment results. These meetings allowed
collaborative dialogue to take place with a focus on improvement plans for the entire school/grade level that included
my expertise in one-on-one coaching and lesson delivery. I conducted lessons for teachers using research-based bestpractices such as discovery learning, concrete manipulative investigations, and technology application as applied to
real-life scenarios. In order to have consistency throughout the district, the Curriculum and Instruction Department I
was associated with developed district-wide pacing guides, curriculum maps, performance assessments, and standardsbased report cards in accordance with the Georgia Performance Standards. These curricular documents provided
principals and teachers with a clear guideline of the requirements needed to be a standards-based school that provides
the highest possible levels of achievement for each student in their care. I also was a member of the District School
Review Team on many occasions and took part in the yearly school walk-through program. The purpose of the visiting
team was to review school practices and offer guidance to principals and school leadership teams in improving the
quality of instruction through specific accountability measures that should be present in all classroom settings.
School-Based Mathematics Curriculum Coach (6th-8th Grade)

August 2008 - June 2009
Hours per Week: 40

As a Middle Grades Mathematics Coach, my primary job was to support, guide, and train the mathematics teachers in
my school in a variety of instructional areas. My duties included creating grade-level collaborative learning
communities, providing curriculum support through lesson planning, model-lessons, and co-teaching opportunities,
providing a framework for reflective practices, and working hand-in-hand with the school administrators to develop
curriculum interventions for students and teachers whose data pointed to a specific weakness. Additionally, I conducted
meetings with grade level departments leading the teachers in the development of common standards-based assessment
for each unit of study. Such assessments were then entered into the district wide data management system and each
question was specifically linked to a Georgia Performance Standard. The data results from these common assessments
were utilized in my interactions with teachers. Together we created detailed plans for remediation and acceleration for
specific students. This practice also created the opportunity for paired mentoring among teachers who portrayed
strength in a certain area with a teacher who was in need of assistance. These collaborative mentoring strategies led to
classroom observations amongst peers and reflective follow-up sessions for the teachers involved. I utilized the school
wide data to initiate a safety-net program for our yearly before and after school program that directly impacted student
achievement and addressed the needs of students in our targeted sub-groups. Another focus area of this position was
dedicated to embedded professional development in the area of technology integrated lessons: TI84 Navigator System,
Camtasia Recording Systems, Promethean Interactive Boards, and Video-Conferencing Virtual Classroom Tools.
8th Grade Mathematics Teacher

August 2003 - May 2008
Hours per Week: 40

After graduating from college, I immediately took a job at a middle school in my home town Conyers, Georgia. I
worked at Conyers Middle School for five years teaching 8th grade mathematics, support math, inclusion, and advanced
offers of Algebra 1 and Geometry. In addition to my teaching duties: 2003-2006 High School Soccer Coach, 2004-2006
Softball Coach, 2006-2008 Mathematics Grade Level Chair, 2006-2008 Teacher Support Specialist (TSS), 2006-2007
First Lego League Robotics Coach, 2006-2009 NASA Explorer School Lead Instructor. In 2006 my school was named

a NASA Explore School (NES), and I was a lead instructor for our curriculum support team. During my time as an NES
leader, I traveled to various NASA locations and was trained in specific STEM curriculum. My NES team was selected
to fly a student created experiment in the Reduced Gravity Teacher Experience at Johnson Space center in 2007. Also,
in June of 2008, I was a participant in STEM training on the Goldstone Apple Valley Radio Telescope (GAVRT)
program which allowed my students and I to interact directly with NASAs LCROSS mission in 2009. As a NES team
leader, I focused on family involvement factors for our school. I successfully ran the Lunar Challenge, a NASA
educational curriculum, as well as offering district-wide space-nights. I took advantage of multiple professional learning
opportunities to increase my awareness and understanding of best-practices and returned to my school ready to teach
others about my new found knowledge: National Mathematics Conference, Georgia Mathematics Conference,
Technology in Teaching, Differentiation, and various NES courses.

Master's Degree: Middle Grades Education, Aug 2009
36 Graduate Semester Hours
GPA: 3.91 out of 4
Bachelor's Degree: Middle Grades Education, May 2003
120 Semester Hours
GPA: 3.52 out of 4
Certifications: Mathematics, Language Arts, and Social Sciences
Continued Education Coursework- Relevant Coursework, Licenses, and Certifications:
Staff Development Teacher Training to Support 21st Century Learning
Integrated Math and Science
Leadership in Collaboration for Flipped Mastery Learning
Exploring 21st Century Teaching & Learning and Leading Educational Leaders
Nspire Technology to Enhance Instruction
Flip your Classroom
Introduction to Project Based Learning
FOCUS Activating Research in Educational Leadership
RESULTS NOW Activating Research in Educational Leadership
Continued Education Coursework- Relevant Coursework, Licenses, and Certifications:
Curriculum and Instruction K-12
Supervision of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment


AdvancED-DoDEA Systems Accreditation (2015)

AdvancED Accreditation Team Member (2015)
21st Century TLL Training (2014)
AdvancED Training: New Standards (2013)
AVID (2012)
Interactive SMARTBOARD (2012)


MATHCOUNTS District Coordinator

STEM-SEL Middle Grades STEMposium Planning Committee
NES: NASA Explorer School Team Lead Teacher

Director, DoDEA Europe
Unit 3405, APO, AE 09021
CIV Phone from US: 011-49-631-536-5905


Assistant Superintendent, Naples District
Unit 3405, APO, AE 09021
CIV Phone from US: 011-49-631-536-5905


Superintendent, SC / Ft. Stewart / DoDDS Cuba District
376 Davis Ave, Ft. Stewart, Georgia


Assistant Superintendent, SC / Ft. Stewart / DoDDS Cuba District
376 Davis Ave, Ft. Stewart, Georgia

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