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Sarah Medina

Journal #3
Journal Entry #3
Please complete a Gratitude Exercise (you can find a description of the
process in Flourish, p. 30-31, 34, 42, 89).

As suggested by Seligman, choose wisely: use the criteria in the book

to widely consider who is a good subject for this project. Consider
people who may not realize their impact and do not choose a romantic
interest. Be specific in the reasons this person made an impact: their
actions, their words, and their meaning in your life.
Once you have finished writing the letter as outlined in the book;
please read it to the person who is the subject of your letter.
Discuss your experience and explain the research in Seligmans Flourish
about gratitude and forgiveness. How does it align with your experience with
this exercise?
I wrote my gratitude letter to my mom. Shes been such an important
part of my life and I honestly have no idea where I would be without her. I
would like to believe I let her know that in my letter. I was nervous at first, but
then realized I should be excited!
I spoke to her over FaceTime and she seemed very surprised that I
even had to do this type of assignment, but she was excited too. I started
speaking and thanking her and letting her know how much she meant to me.
I also told her some stories/experiences of us I remembered and how she
touched and changed me. Shes my hero and I let her know that.
I think I caught her off guard. She started to cry a little, she said this
letter was so happy and she just really wanted to hug me. I could tell she
missed me and she now knew I obviously missed her very much. Im not the
best at showing emotions, so when I started to tear up She understood how
much I really actually miss her.
I really enjoyed writing and reading my gratitude letter. It made me
feel weightless and happy to make her happy. She doesnt get thanked

enough. I feel like I will do this activity again for more people to let them
know how much they mean to me.

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