Cities End of Suburbia Review

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giz BALTIMORE 23 pat Chronicle Sentinel COMMENTARY: It's the End of the World as We Know It by Thomas Wheeler | EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is a review of | the documentary film "The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream” (The Electric Wallpaper Co., c/o VisionTV, 80 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, MSB 1X2, web site:, 87 minute DVD, $27.75 US/$34.50 Canadian A simple fact of life is Desnite oe warnings that we are that any system headed for an bas8Tonthe use of ecological and environmental perfect ronrenewable swale, storm, many Fasources is Amaricans are oblivious to the flashing red light on the earth's fuel Unsustainable Despite athe warnings that we are headed for an ecological and environmental perfect storm, many Americans are oblivious to the flashing red light on the earth's fuel gauge. Many fee! the "American way of life" is an entilement that operates outside the laws of nature. At the Earth Summit jn 1992, George H.W. Bush forcefully declared, "The American way of life is not negotiable," That ‘way Of life requires a highly disproportionate Use of the world's nonrenewable resources. While only containing 4% of the world ul United States consumes 25% of the worlds oil. The centerpiece of oflfe i(Scurbia 1d massive amounts of SrTenoRBBIETTEIs are required to maintain the project of suburbia ‘The suburban lifestyle is considered by many ‘Americans to be an accepted and normal sitimorechronicle.comv080304ThomasWheele shim It the End ofthe Word as We Know I | ‘Home: Alternative Energy Solar, the ideal akernative energy for your home. Get Started Today! Asem gg Stetson osname Pd Local News & Opinion (03.13 Chesapeake Bay Foundation says Maryland restoration plan may no get job Ret: Civc vents Ref.: Arts & Education Events Ref.: Public Service Notices Local News Blogs Pace an Ae? The Sod i Travel Suburbia” Books, Films, Arts & Education reas Rest amecnte (Calan peyiew) (Baltrnne Chamicle) 03.11 How, and How Not, to Improve the Schools 03.08 As Usage Rises, Libraries Struggle to Stay Open Letters Ref, : Letters to the editor Health Care & Environment 03.1 A hard, dry future for the planet 03.15 Abortion Causes Breast Cancer, New Hampshire House Declares 03.18 Goodbye, Texas Women's Health Program (03.14 Risks: More Red Meat, More Mortality 03.14 Rising Sea Levels Seen as Threat to | Coastal US. 03.13 Califomia Farming communities facing crisis over nitrate pollution, study says, 03.12 Greenland ice could melt faster than thought, study finds (Related: Great Lakes ice down 71% since 1973, study finds] 03.11 Why Obamacare's Medicaid Expansion will Reduce Health Care Access 03.11 The Myth of the Free-Market American Health Care System 03.10 Two Years On, Tar Sands Spill Casts Long Shadow 03.10 Waste-water injection well caused 12 ‘earthquakes in Ohio, investigation shows 03.09 UK: Their failure to stop the health bil will come to define the Lib Dems 03.08 If hotels billed like hospitals - video (03.08 The Bottom Line: Shitting Gears in the Gulf (03.03 High health-care costs: W's alli the pricing - graphic (03.02 Current Rate of Ocean Acidification Wt in 300 Million Years 03.01 The Good News in American Medicine - video (length 62:43, Air Date 02/16/12) 1s the En of the World as We Know It | Way of ite. But this gluttonous, sprawling, and energy-intensive way of life is simply not ‘SUstamnable. Few people are aware of how ‘hair ives are dependent on cheap and ‘abundant energy. Are these Americans in for a rude awakening? In a fascinating new documentary, “The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream,” the central question is this: Does the suburban way of life have a future? The answer is a resounding no. No combination of sltornative fuels can run and maintain our current system as itis now. There will eventually be a great scramble to get out of the suburbs as the global oil crisis deepens ang the The film opens with the quote, "ifa path to the better there be, it begins with a full look at the worst." You'd think from that ‘opening we're in for a very depressing fick. property values of Not so. Despite the Suburban homes serious subject matter, the documentary is actually quite ‘engaging and entertaining. Not only is it informative for those already familiar with the issues but it's also quite accessible and enlightening for the uninitiated. it serves as {great introduction and a real eye-opener for people who are largely unfamiliar with the topic of energy depletion and the impact it wil have on their lives and communities. “The End of Suburbia" marshals an impressive array of evidence that the growing ‘energy demands of the "American dream" in suburbia will eclipse our planet's abilty to provide it. The suburban way of life will soon become economically and ecologically impossible ta maintain. We will see the inevitable collapse of the suburban lifestyle and the end of the American Dream, And it will happen within our lifetimes. How bad wil it get? Putit this way. We are looking at the mother of all downsizings For those who are familiar with the issues of peak oil and resource depletion, the usual suspects are here. 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