Project 3: Remediation: Dates

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Project 3: Remediation


Pitch due @ Noon 10/13 (see below for details)

Workshop 10/22 (see below for details)
Digital Studio visit due 10/29 (see below for details)
Final Draft & Reflection Due 10/29 (see below for details)


This project seeks to combine theory and practice by allowing students to engage
in multimodal composing.
Students will operationalize the concepts weve been working with in class.
Students will put into practice observations you made in Project 2.
Students will determine audience, audience needs, and appropriate media to
communicate material to that audience.

Following our reading of Remediation, this project will focus on remediating and adapting
a printed work for a digital medium. You may remediate a text youve written for this
class (such as your analytical report or an SRR), or you may remediate a text weve
encountered so far in class. Remember to focus on what it means to remediate a text:
you are bringing a text from one medium to another and potentially changing its
meaning, audience, and context. This project will be included in your portfolio.

Getting Started
To begin this project, youll first want to decide on a text to remediate. This can be any
text we have used for class, including texts you have written or examples Ive used in
class discussion. Next, youll need to decide an audience to remediate the text for. Based
on the material in the text and the audience youd like to reach, youll choose your
modes and media, remembering that this is a REmediation, so youll need to transform
the text from its original medium into another one. You can use any media, software,
platform, etc. that youd like, but your final product must be digital.

This project will include a 250-word pitch that will be shared with your colleagues and me
before you begin. In the pitch, youll outline the text youre interested in remediating, the
audience youll be targeting with your remediation, why and how you plan to remediate
it, and a prediction of how the remediation will change the text. You will probably also
want to comment on any special considerations youll make for your audience in this
remediation. If you do not complete a pitch, your final grade on this project will be
penalized 10 percent.

This project will be accompanied by a reflection that demonstrates the rhetorical choices
you made in composing your remediation. It should include the following:
A summary of the text you chose to remediate
An overview of the audience you chose to remediate the text for

A summary of how you composed the remediation

An explanation of how and why you chose the medium/media you chose for your
A summary of any choices you made out of special consideration for your audience
An open, honest, and critical evaluation of the effectiveness of your completed text
how well does your remediation do what you wanted it to do?

This should be written after your remediation is complete and should be at least 500
words in length. Remediation projects will not be graded if they are submitted
without reflections.

Digital Studio Visit

You are required to visit the Digital Studio for assistance with this project. I have
cancelled class on Thursday, 10/8, to allow you time for this visit. You may visit the DS at
any time for any kind of assistance, ranging from brainstorming the project, to selecting
media, software, or platforms, to actually creating or revising the remediation. If you do
not attend the Digital Studio, your final grade on this project will be penalized 10
percent. Because I know some of you are unable to visit the DS during regular hours, I
am in the process of making accommodations for extended hours. I will let you know
when I have more information available.

You are required to bring some work to workshop with your colleagues. This may be an
outline, storyboard, script, image, early draft, etc. Failure to come prepared to workshop
will result in a 10 percent deduction from the final grade of your project. Similarly, failure
to attend workshop will result in a 10 percent deduction from the final grade of your

Project will be evaluated based on the finished project (the remediation) and its
accompanying reflection. This meets you get some benefit of the doubt where technical
expertise or difficulties are concerned. Otherwise, successful projects meet the follow
Media and modes selected are appropriate for the intended audience
Media and modes are used effectively for the intended audience
Composer exercises rhetorical agency over composition choices*
Remediation clearly conveys the message from the original text
*Note: Exercising rhetorical agency over choice is difficult to do when all the choices are
made for you, i.e., in a Microsoft Word template. Composers who surrender their freedom
to templates may find that their compositions do not meet audience needs or use media
and mode effectively. I would caution strongly against using existing templates on any
platform. If you do choose to use a template, make sufficient changes so that the
template meets your texts and your audiences needs.

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