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One Page Report

Prepared For: John Ehle

Date Printed: 10/6/2015 5:14 PM

Kuder Career Interests Assessment

Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment

Date Completed: 10/2/2015

Date Completed: 10/6/2015

Pathway Results

Pathway Results

Environmental Service Systems

Netw ork Systems

Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Regulation


Engineering and Technology

Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance

Health, Safety, and Environmental Assurance

Natural Resources Systems

Env ironmental Serv ice Systems People who work in this group of occupations figure out ways to
protect our environment. They do that by developing ways to control air pollution and to recycle waste
Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Regulation People who work in
these occupations plan transportation systems such as subways, railroads, and road systems. They
collect information about needs and then design a system to meet those needs. In doing so, they must
follow regulations set by local and state governments. Some in this group inspect transportation
systems to assure that they meet required standards.

Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management, and

Emergency and Fire Management Services

Netw ork Systems People who work in this group of occupations design, install, and maintain
computer networks. They first find out what the needs of a facility or organization are for computer
services. Then they make a detailed plan, purchase the equipment, and install it. They also make sure
that the system continues to work properly and meet the needs of the organization.
Design/Pre-construction People who work in this group prepare detailed plans for the construction of
buildings and other kinds of things. These plans make it possible for workers to carry out all the details
described in those plans to build homes, office buildings, bridges, roads, streets, and airports.

Engineering and Technology People who work in this group of occupations apply their knowledge of
science and math to specific practical purposes. Occupations in this group include many different kinds
of engineers and technicians. Much of the nations ability to compete in the global society lies in the
hands of these workers. They must be highly skilled in science and math.

Health, Safety, and Env ironmental Assurance People who work in this group of occupations are
focused on making our environment safe. They apply methods to making contaminated land safe and
productive. They make and enforce rules in work places so that the health and physical well-being of
workers will be assured. Some design office equipment that will cause the least amount of wear and
tear on the human body.

Health, Safety, and Env ironmental Assurance People who work in this group of occupations are
focused on making our environment safe. They apply methods to making contaminated land safe and
productive. They make and enforce rules in work places so that the health and physical well-being of
workers will be assured. Some design office equipment that will cause the least amount of wear and
tear on the human body.

Transportation Systems/Infrastructure Planning, Management, and Regulation People who work in

these occupations plan transportation systems such as subways, railroads, and road systems. They
collect information about needs and then design a system to meet those needs. In doing so, they must
follow regulations set by local and state governments. Some in this group inspect transportation
systems to assure that they meet required standards.

Natural Resources Systems People who work in this group of occupations do a variety of things to
protect the environment. These may include making and enforcing plans to protect our forests and
national parks. Their work may also include protecting places for wild animals to live.

Emergency and Fire Management Serv ices People who work in this group protect the public by
helping when there are emergencies. Some rescue people who are trapped in a fire, car accident, or
natural disaster such as a tornado or flood. Others drive and provide emergency medical care to
patients in ambulances or at home before they arrive at a hospital. Still others oversee and manage
rescue operations.

Kuder Work Values Assessment

Composite Report

Date Completed: 10/6/2015

Date completed Interests Assessment: 10/2/2015

Date completed Skills Assessment: 10/6/2015




Pathway Results

Accom plishm ent


Environmental Service Systems

Incom e

Planning, Management, and

Innov ation Having the challenge and opportunity to do my work in new ways and with independence
and variety.
Accomplishment Having the feeling that what I do in my work is important and making a contribution.
Prestige Having the sense of being highly regarded by others because of the nature of my work or the
leadership I provide.
Workplace Having the pleasure of working in a comfortable, attractive work space where the
supervisors and co-workers are supportive and friendly.
Income Having the desire to achieve earnings and rewards that strongly support my economic and
financial advancement.

Engineering and Technology

Health, Safety, and
Environmental Assurance

Natural Resources Systems



Copyright Kuder, Inc.

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