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What's Your Problem,


Information Overload
It Ain't Funny, Barbie Doll

It's spring-loaded right over there waiting to

eviscerate and rent you asunder in ways you
can't imagine.
Ever lurking, it's vicious and ready to dropkick
you into a mass of quivering human flotsam.

What's A Girl To Do?

It's a pool of spirit-blood laboriously leaking

what's left of your mind into a Complexity Pit
from Hell.
Your Tub-thumpin' Thursday Trembles won't
matter a twit. Or Tweet. Even a Dindu-Nuffin.
We call it CHAnGE.

Your Concierge For CHAnGE

[Aren't we ever so classy?]



Create, discover and curate intensely useful

content that helps you better understand,
manage and handle life's CHAnGES.

A toolbox full of mind-tools (solutions) in the

form of curated information, knowledge and
wisdom that encourages serendipity to live in
splendor wherever you go. Mind-tools that work.

Especially, Information Overload.

Relentless changes that never care if they
pancake you to the floor or not. Including those
changes carrying a cargo of happiness and joy.
Importantly, our ELB inventory is all-media;
Text, Graphics, Links, Audio-Video, Social Media
and eventually, Virtual Reality. Naturally, all with
timely updates (changes) as required.

The ELB Community helps you feel safer, more

connected and confident as you pass through any
CHAnGE Gate along your time-space continuum.
And as you move along the path less traveled by,
you'll have great fun while gaining tranquility,
peace-of-mind and a sense of belonging.
Above all, a love of life. Your life.



We think we know. Those shopping in the

Everything Leaks Boutique have one or all the
following characteristics.

For some, thumbing the Be-Jesus out of their

smartphone has become a way of life.

Hey, what's that over there? Will it get me?
Am I losing something? No?
Well then, what's in it for me?
These folks already know change can be hard.
Otherwise, why would they resist it so much?
They reluctantly accept change as a last resort.
Scholars want to seriously understand and
improve their knowledge for adapting to and
living with change. They make dedicated efforts.

They are getting desperate trying to avoid

Freaking Arthritic Fingers Syndrome (FAFS).
What's your problem, Pilgrim?
Others know they're right on the ragged edge of
insanity because of demands on their time.
Words like frantic, panic and pathetic enter
their Word World.
A few have already collapsed and await first
responders to resuscitate them.
Thumbs flailing, they lie on the ground with
fluttering eyes as both their breath and natural
gas leak into the universe with authority.

Everything leaks! Yes, we know.

Help is on the way. Coming your way are mindtools and stories that indeed help you live your
life in a more tranquil and satisfying way.
We think our audience and members intelligently
accept the reality that existence exists.
That's the Philosophical Singularity of everything
and the most fundamental thing one can say
about the universe.
They further acknowledge everything in the
universe CHAnGES; all the time, everywhere.
This means understanding the logical conclusion
that everything leaks, no matter what.

This includes knowing humans are slowly

recognizing the perception of reality itself is
changing at an ever-increasing rate.
Perceptions, right or wrong, are changing right
before our eyes in 3-second time snippets.
3s by 3s by 3s ....
Some say this creates a need for learning the art
of living with The Singularity".
That is, living life today while being ready to
embrace tomorrow.
We profoundly agree.
Come walk with us awhile to explore this exciting
and wondrous future and we both shall be the
better for it.

As your Change Concierge, we deliver fulfilling
experiences born of new ways to participate in
networked modules of information, knowledge
and wisdom as they relate to CHAnGE.
Including intentional mixed-metaphors and
styles to add spice and surprise.
[Notice the style differences between our ELB
website and our PDF downloads. The first is
elegant, tranquil and serene while the latter is
full-chat Listen Up, Dude!]
Where everything offers you the pleasure of more
fun, insight and a sense of well-being as you
interact and participate in the ELB Community.
A place where peace-of-mind, tranquility and a
sense of being lives large at the end of the day.

Just as you see above, always a calming voice

promising to bring solace and peace-of-mind.
And it's all yours just for the asking.


.. attention.

Within Everything Leaks Boutique, the content

describing, defining and re-belching PROBLEMS
you already know about is limited.
It's restricted to under 20% as much as possible.
Instead, over 80% of our all-media inventory is
devoted to intelligent and useful SOLUTIONS.
Nearly everything you read or watch today
about anythingis exactly the opposite.
Think about that. Seriously.
Look at your favorite tweets, blogs, magazines,
newspapers, TV shows and see how many exhibit
an irretrievable urge to constantly regurgitate,
rehash and babble only about PROBLEMS.
Note the near-total absence of SOLUTIONS.

[Again] What's your problem, Pilgrim?

We CHAnGE the stage. We Upsie-Daisie it.


ELB Salons contain so much more than just

books that we don't even call them eBooks
anymore. That's Old School. [Pomposity Alert!]
We call them Ecosystems Of Knowledge.
Places where curated all-media Projects help the
Community better cope and live with CHAnGE.
A friendly place where Pro-Creators become coauthors by submitting a Tell Your Personal Story
(TYPS) that's beneficially shared with the world.
All this while saving you enormous amounts of
time, effort and energy. We think that's far more
than just important; it's imperative.

Everyone has a story.

We can't wait to hear yours.

Glenn L. Flock, President

G2F, Inc., Salem, OR, USA
Creators of

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